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What Engaged Segments Should I Use for Email & SMS Blasts?

  • 8 July 2024
  • 1 reply


We currently send 3 email campaigns per week and 2 SMS campaign's per week. Our first email campaign is for 180D engaged, and our next two emails are ENGAGED90D. Our first SMS of the week is to ENGAGED180D and our second is ENGAGED90D

My ubsub rate for email is around 0.3-4% and our SMS unsub is under 1%.

Based on the above (let me know if theres any other info you need), what engaged segments would you suggest?

1 reply

Userlevel 2
Badge +8

Hi @codeth4944,

Thank you for sharing your query in the community.

Based on the information provided, here are some suggestions for engaged segments for your email and SMS campaigns:

  • Consider creating a segment for ENGAGED30D for both email and SMS campaigns if you have the resources to manage more segments. This would target users who have engaged within the last 30 days, ensuring you're reaching the most active and responsive audience.

    • Monitor the unsubscribe rates closely for each segment. Since your SMS unsubscribe rate is low (<1%), it indicates that your SMS campaigns are generally well-received. However, continue to keep an eye on this metric as you introduce new segments.

  • Create a Re-engagement Segment: Identify users who have not engaged with either emails or SMS campaigns for a specified period, such as more than 180 days. This segment could be labelled as INACTIVE180D. Design specific re-engagement campaigns tailored to this group to encourage them to re-engage with your communications.

  • Segment by User Preferences or Behaviour: If you have data on user preferences or specific behaviours (e.g., purchasing habits, website interactions), consider creating segments that cater to these characteristics. For example, you could have segments like PREMIUM CUSTOMERS for users who frequently purchase premium products or EVENT ATTENDEES for users who have attended your events.

  • Geographic Segmentation: Depending on your business model and customer base, consider segmenting by geographic location if relevant. This can allow for localized messaging or promotions tailored to different regions or countries.

Note: Continuously monitor the performance of your segments through metrics like open rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates. Use A/B testing to experiment with different messaging strategies within each segment to optimize engagement further.

Hope this helps!
