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Who will get my email in new flow???

  • 19 February 2024
  • 2 replies

We segment people to a “Win back” segment is they did not purchase from us for 180 days.  There are 3500 people on this list.

I created a new flow with a trigger based being added to this segment.  It’s not clear to me if this will also including existing people in the segment, or if it will only go to new emails added to the segment.

Here’s what I’m trying to accomplish:  send this flow to anyone already in the segment and have it automatically send as new ones enter the segment.  A bunch of emails initially transitioning to automatic emails based on segmentation.

2 replies

Userlevel 5
Badge +23

Hello @Greg S,

When you create a flow based on a segment, only new profiles added to the segment AFTER the flow is live will be queued for the flow. However, you can back-populate the flow - check out this article: How to add past profiles to a flow

You might also find this article helpful: Understanding how adding past profiles works in Klaviyo

Hope this is helpful!


Thank you Jess!  It was right there under my nose….sometimes I still don’t see it.
