Hello! I am running into a dynamic image error that I cant seem to understand. I have created a few different flows for Shipping and Order confirmation.
When I create the flow and use their stock template for shipping or order confirmation and preview the template I get a dynamic product image to show up, but when I add my custom email template that I created with Klaviyo’s new email template design I can get everything to populate correctly except I can't get the product image to show
I have copied over all the right tags that I need.
the dynamic image URL ({% if item.product.variant.images.0.src %}{{item.product.variant.images.0.src}}{%else%}{{item.product.images.0.src|missing_product_image}}{%endif%}
The data source event.extra.line_items
I copied everything side by side. But when I preview my design template I see that their are no Image URLS passing through, but there are image URLs passing through on klaviyo’s stock template.
I literally have both emails within the same flow, but can’t get the Image URLS to pass on my designed template. Any help would be huge!