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Will imported contacts recieve flow e-mails when flows are turned on agian?

  • 16 February 2024
  • 1 reply

I have imported new contacts from another e-mail platform while my welcomeflow is turned off. Will the imorted contacts recieve flow emails when i turn the flow on again now? I have imported about 500 contacts, and i do not want them to revieve the e-mail because they already got it on the other platform.

Hope you can help.

1 reply

Userlevel 5
Badge +23

Hello @Mathias,

Quick question - when you turned off the welcome flow, did you set the messages to draft or manual? I can’t find the artcile that states this, but I’m pretty sure that if the messages are set to draft, then new additions are NOT queued to receive emails, while messages set to draft are queued to receive them.

Hope this helps!
