Hi everyone,
I really need an advice.
I want to set up my Winback Flow and Sunset Flow and cant decide on timing.
Flows to purchasers
- When should The client enter the Winback and Sunset flow?
I am B2B and what bothers me is rather long time between orders which is 341 days.
In my understanding first I should be sending a Winback Flow and then in case of a total inactivity the person should enter Sunset flow and later on be suppressed. (please correct me if I am wrong)
My question is when should the client enter those flows.
It looks logical to wait 350 days or so, but it’s a year and I read recommendations to start Sunset flow after 180 days of inactivity. So if the client is inactive and enters Sunset flow after 180 days and then I suppress it I am loosing a sale but if I wait till 350 days then I have a lot of unengaged subscribers.
- Who should enter Winback Flow?
The segments I am debating:
- Subscribers who are active: opens or clicks emails or views products or active on site for the last x(?) days
- Subscribers who opens or clicks emails and don not active on website (no product views or active on site) for the last x(?) days
- ?
First Purchase Anniversary Flow
As the time between purchases is almost a year I decided to set up a First purchase anniversary flow as an alternative to Winback Flow. This one sounds not so salesly to me (though, I am not sure if it’s right decision and if I have set it up correctly and using for right purpose.)
This flow sends 6 months anniversary email (3 email sequence) to inactive subscribers who were not active with emails and website for 6 months after their first purchase with 10% discount code as I do not want to offer a discount to active subscribers while they are not lapsed purchasers. (It was only 0.03% out of all subscribed purchasers so far)
After 1 year I split subscribers to those who made only 1 purchase and more than one.
Now I send an email only to those who did not purchased again and offer 10% discount for 1 week only. I don’t have any filters to this email except can receive email marketing. This Anniversary email person can receive once only.
I see 37.5%-39.5% open rate from 3 emails sent during one week. 2.6% click rate for the first email with no clicks for the second and the third (maybe too little people yet?)
Second question is regarding non-purchasers.
These subscribers will not enter the Winback Flow obviously but should they enter a Sunset flow after 180 days of inactivity? And who these subscribers should be - inactive with emails only or inactive with the brand (emails+website).
For clarification I offer 10% discount and a couple of PDF’s for the subscription and send emails 2 times per week.
I have read so many articles but just cannot find an advice on my situation as everywhere is referred to 90-180 days. I do not know if I am thinking too complicated but just cannot figured out how these flows should work together.
Thank you in advance for anyone who will share their expertise with me!