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Added to cart Event- variants instead of pricing

  • 2 July 2024
  • 4 replies



I want to show variants in abandoned cart ( added to cart Event ).


This is from abandoned checkout and it works showing the variant.


I want the same thing with added to cart event but there is not enough data in the Event.

Below image is from added to cart flow email

Can someone help?

Hi there @Abd.saif16


Welcome to the Community. 


Do you mind sharing what integration you’re using and what you mean by ‘there is not enough data’ in the add to cart event.


Do you mean to say that the variation data isn’t pushing through from your integration to Klaviyo in the same way that you see the ‘Abandon cart’ event pushing through?


Thank you for participating in the Community! 


It is "added to cart” event.

I was told by support it can not be done as there is not much data in comparison to "checkout initiated” event.

hi @Abd.saif16


Thanks for clarifying and for the confirmation! 


Yes, this isn’t possible as the ‘add to cart’ event and ‘abandon checkout’ event have different data available so one is possible while the other is not. 


I’m sorry for the inconvenience! 



Thank you.
