
Email sent to the repeated customers

  • 23 May 2024
  • 1 reply



How can I send emails to send codes of the discounts to loyal customers who’ve already made multiple purchases ?

Can you tell me how can I set up that in klaviyo ?


Best answer by bluesnapper 24 May 2024, 14:14

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Userlevel 7
Badge +39

Welcome to the community @Abhay 

Sure, No problem. Let’s say you want to send the discount code on a customer’s 3rd order. Example flow set-up below.

The trigger is a placed order event and the profile filter is ‘Placed order equals 3 over all time’. Customers will only enter the flow on their 3rd order and therefore receive your loyalty discount email.

Alternatively, if you already have a post-purchase flow (placed order trigger) , you could add this as a conditional split to that flow rather than create a new one.

A final consideration is the size of the loyalty discount. It’s usual to use static discounts as a welcome first-purchase offer because it doesn’t matter if that discount code is shared (more sales!). For larger discounts, it’s better to use dynamic codes that are unique to each customer.

Let me know if you’ve any further questions. 



flow trigger = 3 orders over all time

