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Hello, I have an error with the arrival of the mail campaign. Can someone help me?

  • 14 January 2022
  • 1 reply

In one of the cell phones the error occurs that the text and the background are not seen, only some parts. 

(The image with black background and white text is how it would really look like).


1 reply

Userlevel 7
Badge +60

Hi @Juanocampo434


Welcome to the Community, we are so glad to have you here! Sorry to hear about your display issues! 


Do you mind sharing if this is a live email or preview of a flow message or campaign? Are you also able to confirm whether or not these two images are from the same campaign?


Additionally, do you mind sharing how this user, with no black in the email, is opening your brand’s email? Is it through a certain application like Gmail or Outlook or on the safari web browser? Sometimes the application customers user to view your messages can change how they are displayed. These answers will help us better understand what might be going on here!


Thanks for participating in the Community!

