I did a gift card giveaway and I now have my personalized email ready to schedule. I want to keep it simple for the customer since the shopify gift card is like dfhjfkdlsfbvkjcxb. I tried treating the code like a discount, since in shopify the box has the same wording, but it didn’t sync. My manager created the gift cards, I can’t see them under discounts, so I know they’re not defined as such.
What way can I like it to my “Shop Now” button?
I tried https://www.websitename.com/discount/{% coupon_code 'CODEHERE' %} and a static code https://www.websitename.com/discount/CODEHERE but neither linked. They took me to the main page on my website like intended, but when I made it to the checkout the gift card code wasn’t shown. I did verify that the code is valid, I just would love if I could also attach it vs saying copy it.