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How do I display price including VAT in my Abandoned Cart Prestashop 8.0.4

  • 15 September 2023
  • 8 replies


I think I have tried everything now, so I hope someone can help me 😯

I can't see my prices with VAT in abandoned baskets but elsewhere in Klaviyo are with VAT… 

Product description also looks weird :-/


8 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +60

Hey @DennisMAX,

If the default pricing isn’t including VAT, I would suggest checking to see if your started checkout event is passing a variable that has the price including VAT you could use. I would also make sure you’ve also already enabled your PrestaShop settings to include VAT in it’s pricing - which you learn more how from our How to enable PrestaShop price include VAT Help Center article. 

Another solution I’ve seen others use if your VAT is a constant rate, is using a variable filter such as |multiply to add the VAT to your product price. I’ve previously discussed this in a past Community post which I’ve shared below:

I hope this helps!


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Hi @David To 

I have created a Browse Abandonment flow and there the prices are ok, so it cannot be from prestashop the error is coming from?

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@David To 

In the Klaviyo catalog the prices are with vat … 


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Now I make it like this : 


{{ item.Price|multiply:1.25 }} kroner


And the price is ok …. 

How to make the HTML code in short description disappear ? 

Userlevel 7
Badge +60

Hi @DennisMAX


Happy to hear you got it working!


Do you sharing a screenshot of what you’re seeing?



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I had to delete product text as it could not be resolved.. 

Userlevel 7
Badge +60

hi there @DennisMAX


Thanks for sharing the screenshot! That helps!


Your filter seems to be working, however, the issue you’re seeing is due to what is in the description for your catalog in the backend of your site. I would investigate your catalog descriptions as Klaviyo only ingests data we receive from your store integration, not create anything new. 



there should be a different variable to get price with tax


Just imagine a shop with different kinds of tax!
