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How to automate my weekly Newsletter Sends

  • 18 June 2024
  • 3 replies

Hi Guys,

I am in the process of automating my weekly newsletter sends, I am using Zapier to collect any new blog posts on my website, if there are posts, it should pass them to klaviyo.

I am currently on how to “pass” the template fields into the message.

So far I am:

  1. Creating a campaign via the API
  1. Linking the template to the campaign

I will then plan to use the API to run the campaign, but first I need to understand how to pass my `articles: l..]` into the campaign message.

I had a look around but I could not find anything that looked like it helped.

Any guidance would be appreciated. 

Hi there @AndySlack


Welcome to the Community, happy to help!


I’d check out setting up a custom web feed into your template. I’d also suggest checking out these similar posts below for more insight!


Hope this helps!


I would agree with @Taylor Tarpley that using a web feed probably makes the most sense for this.  But, if you need more control or functionality beyond that, you can also use the API to create Templates as well (in HTML) if that’s another method you prefer.  

You can see the API to create and update templates here:

So, you can in theory, create or update a Template as you see fit, and then assign it to your Campaign.  Just note, when you do this, you’re using an HTML template and not the drag/drop type.  If you want your email to look exactly like your other emails, I would recommend you first export an existing Template (as HTML), and then use that in your API call to “put in” the content you see fit. 

Thanks guys!! @retention 🙏🏼 I ended up with the following:

  1. Built the template in Klaviyo drag and drop editor
  2. Exported the HTML
  3. Built a flow in N8N to check Shopify for new blog posts each week
  4. Update the template to include the new blog content
  5. Fired a send with Klaviyo via N8N

For anyone is interested, you can see a writeup on this automation here. I’m more than happy to share my N8N workflow if anybody would like a copy.

