
How to display product regular price and discounted price in the product block in Klaviyo?

  • 1 December 2020
  • 38 replies

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Userlevel 1
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That is wonderful! It really is a deal breaker functionality. Thank you for addressing the issue so quickly.

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FANTASTIC!!!  It is just such an obvious thing missing, and will make a massive difference to us (and I think most ecommerce businesses).  Let's face it, most online selling is about offering some kind of discounted price on some products if not all. 

That is really good news.



Userlevel 6
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Hi @srenyer @secretlabel @helidirect, I wanted to follow up and let you know that I’ve submitted a feature request for this functionality to our team. Thank you for your feedback!

Userlevel 1
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I'm wondering if it's a Shopify restriction? I loaded up the Shopify Email app and it's automatically built into theirs. That being said I love the results and dashboard of Klaviyo.

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Yes I kind of got that far, but this seems to be an incredible basic element missing when Klaviyo is just so sophisticated in so many other respects.  


Userlevel 1
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I had my daughter write code for me to at least get an MSRP with a red strike through. But that's not realistic for every time. And then I still had to enter the MSRP pricing manually.

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I completely agree, We are hesitating to fully move over to Klaviyo because of this limitation.  Is there any work around that can be used without manually having to add the RRP?  Or as previous poster suggests, show the savings?  Most ecommerce sellers require this surely??



Userlevel 1
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This is ridiculous.  Why would it bring in only one price field from Shopify to put into an email.  Why not bring in the MSRP and discount savings amount?  This was one of the main purposes for my signing up for Klavyio.  If I have to manually enter the product pricing, I can do that thru Mail Chimp.  Please tell me there is a way to show the savings amount in my email template.

Userlevel 6
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@helidirect yeah unfortunately you won’t be able to show comparative pricing within a product block, however, there is a potential workaround you could try since you seem to be manually selecting products (this won’t work for a feed pulling dynamically from catalog). 

You can remove the price entirely from the block, and then use columns to add text below the product images that align with your products. There you can type in the price and the sales price. This isn’t ideal if you plan to change your sales price frequently, but could be an option if this will be the sales price for some time. Then you can drag in buttons to the columns and link to the correct products you’ve selected.


Userlevel 5
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Thanks for providing that screenshot @helidirect. What that image made me realize was I was referring to something different, so apologies on my end as I thought the ask was in reference to a dynamic product block. This is the block that is present in a flow like the Abandoned cart flow which shows the item that was abandoned. In a case like that, you can set up to strikethrough a price and reflect the sale price.

When it comes to achieving this same functionality from the product block where you are pulling products in from your catalog, unfortunately what you are trying to achieve is not a possibility at this time so it would be best to either omit the price or use the price indicated from the catalog source.

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Sorry, forgot mention the screenshot. Here is the screenshot of the product block

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Hi Paul,


Thanks for the reply, but I still dont get how I would insert that piece of information in the product block. I attached here the picture of the product block. It has the product name, price and button on the left. Where do I insert the “<s> {{ whatever the price tag is }} <s> “ into? In the Product Price input ? Also the info “<s> {{ whatever the price tag is }} <s> “ means something like “<s>$100<s> ??? Could you give me more clearer instruction and some example? 



Userlevel 5
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Hi @helidirect, so you should be able to achieve that functionality in the platform. If you want to have the original price crossed out, you would want to insert into your product block the piece in red below  (note that you should use the correct item and not “whatever the price tag is”) in the correct section of the product block. That should allow you to display a crossed out version of the original price.


<s> {{ whatever the price tag is }} <s> 


You’ll then also want to make sure that you’re displaying the sale price as well. See if you can get that to work as the above should allow you to display a crossed out regular price but let us know how that goes!