How to display store points for users in email templates
Hi Everyone,
I’m looking for the variable code to show the total number of points a user has with my store. Ideally if they have no points we could then prompt them to sign up for points instead.
Closest code I can come up with is: {% if points_total %}{{ points_total }}, {% endif %} but it doesn’t seem to work very well when I test it. Klaviyo does keep track of points under user profiles so this should be possible.
Any help is appreciated
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Hello @PinkErik,
Thank you for sharing your question with the Klaviyo Community.
Your best bet is to create two discrete text blocks, the first with the following verbiage: Your points total is {{ person|lookup:'points_total'|default:'' }} using the question mark symbol option on the text block for hide/show with the condition: person|lookup:'points_total'. That’s saying to display this block only if the points total is set on the profile.
On the flip side, we’ll want to create another discrete text block with the verbiage: “Sign up here” (hyperlinking the sign-up page) using the question mark symbol option on the text block for hide/show with the condition: not person|lookup:'points_total' That’s saying to display this block only if the points total is not set on the profile.
So block A will only show if the points total is available (showing the points total) and block B will only show if the points total is not on the profile linking them to the sign-up page.
There was a great post made by @retention on this topic (sharing that below as well)
Thanks and have a great weekend.
Derin, you are amazing and such a life saver. Thank you very much and have a great weekend.