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I am getting trouble understanding how can I apply hide and show block based on event trigger and value for my custom HTML email template.
I have 6 ancillary and I wanna show to specific people who have not purchased it and hide who have purchased that is been purchased.


Hi @Sumit_2809


While we cannot help with troubleshooting custom code, I’d recommend reaching out to one of our plethora of Klaviyo partners, or better yet a Community Champion, to set this up to you!


Thank you for participating in the Community! 


@stephen.trumble , I've attempted to utilize every available action and event property, but what's being copied is {{ event.isbaggagebooked|default:'' }}. According to Klaviyo's logic, it should be event|lookup:'isinsuranceapplied'=="false," or  but it doesn't seem to be functioning as expected. It's either getting skipped or hidden, even when the value is "false."

Hey @retention 

Would you now how to help @Sumit_2809 with his custom HTML email template?
