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Image loading too large in size

  • 21 February 2021
  • 4 replies

Trying to figure out why a png. is loading 100X the size. 

The image is loaded into a saved block, it’s transparent, and it’s a png. but for some reason, when I load the saved block in a new email inside of the flow I’m working on, the image loads to nearly 100X its size.

It also does this if I load it directly from my computer.

Any idea why?  Thanks!

Hi there,

Have you tried adding CSS to set the size of the image?

For example:

<img src="photo.png" alt="alt text" style="width:200px; height:auto;">



Hi Caroline, Where can I add CSS in an image block?  I would be willing to try this out for sure!

Hi there,

Actually, the easiest way to do this is just adjust the image width in the settings -- have you tried that?



Hi @Roman Channing

Agree with @caroline that adjusting the image width in the settings could be a good solution to edit the size. Alternatively, if you’re uploading the image in the Image Block, you could click Edit Image > Resize to adjust it accordingly.  You can see the full details of How to Use Images in Email in this article (this is the same link Caroline shared above). 

Since you are uploading the image directly, I would recommend against trying to use CSS to edit, as you’ll need to first host the image somewhere, and it might be a little more cumbersome than using the Image Editor Tool directly.

-Cass. ​​​​​​​
