Items from my woo-commerce site showing in products on Kaviyo when they have not been made live.

  • 6 January 2023
  • 2 replies

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I am fairly new here so still trying to find my way around, I have been trying to build a couple of templates to send to our customers and have added a couple of dynamic boxes in which will show products from our website in the email which will automatically update as and when products change or what the customer has recently looked at.

my only issue is that it shows up un-published items which we have not made live yet on our website? is there any way of stopping these as we make some templates and update nearer to the time when they go live to save time, but we don't want them showing up in our email campaigns on this dynamic feed.


I hope I have made sence with that ….   Thanks Gary  

2 replies

Userlevel 7
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Hi there @Gary


Happy to help! Everyone is welcome here from expert to newbie!


I’m pretty sure I’m tracking here! To confirm, it sounds like you’re using a normal product block vs a dynamic table block, but testing in the template. If so, unpublished products will show up in a test email, but should not show unpublished products when actually bringing in real-time data or products that your customers are looking at. 


There is a way to make sure that dynamic table blocks don’t show up in an email, but as this is a normal product block, there’s not extra code needed.


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Ok thanks 
