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MacOS - Paste often not working in Chrome for Mac

  • 26 January 2024
  • 10 replies

Hi There,

Increasingly, we can’t paste text into the Klaviyo text editor. This started happening intermittently some time 2(ish) weeks ago?

We see this behaviour on two different Macs.

Have tried…

  1. Double-checking that paste is working by pasting into other apps like Text Edit
  2. Tried using the menus to paste instead of shortcuts
  3. Tried using ‘Paste & match style’
  4. Updating Chrome to the latest build


  1. Interestingly, we can paste if we switch to HTML suggesting it’s a rich text editor thang. 
  2. The only other way to fix is to logout of Klaviyo, restart the Mac, then re-launch/login etc (simply re-launching Chrome doesn’t work).

Does anyone know how to permanently fix? It’s incredibly frustrating!

Any help much appreciated.

Cheers, Ben

  • Arm64
  • MacOS 13.6.3
  • Chrome 121.0.6167.85

10 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +60

Hi @Ben


Thanks for sharing this issue you’ve been experiencing with us as well as sharing your detailed troubleshooting steps!


Do you mind clarifying what is hard about pasting in the editor? Is it that the styles aren’t matching your original formatting or that you physically can’t see what you paste in the editor? This issue isn’t exactly what other peers have shared about copying and pasting, correct?


Additionally, are you experiencing this issue when you use the plain text editor or the text block editor in a drag and drop email?


Thanks for participating in the Community! 


Userlevel 3
Badge +5

@Taylor Tarpley, Thanks for the reply, comments below…


Do you mind clarifying what is hard about pasting in the editor?


It’s that nothing (as in no text at all) gets pasted into the editor.


Additionally, are you experiencing this issue when you use the plain text editor or the text block editor in a drag and drop email?


This is in the text block editor when using drag and drop templates. If I switch to HTML (the HTML button in the editor), then text gets pasted, indicating something in the Rich Text Editor is blocking text from being pasted.


I hope that makes more sense.

Cheers, Ben



Userlevel 7
Badge +60

Hi @Ben


Thanks for the awesome clarification! 


I connected with the editor crew and let them know of this issue. They added this use case to a running log as this has been identified as a bug we are currently working through! I will let you know when I have an update. 


Thank for your constant vigilance! Can always count on you to tell us what’s going down in the editor realm!


Badge +4

When will this be fixed?  This is ridiculous now.  Clients are paying for this software and can’t use it.


The same bug also appears on a fully updated Windows 10 PC with the most up to date Chrome browser. I’m often switching into the <div> <span> xxxxxxxx </span><div> tags for each line in my templates. Hopefully this systemic issue is resolved soon. 

I have the same issue. Have had it for over a month now. Please fix ASAP. 

Badge +1

hi @Taylor Tarpley  any news on this issue. I am a windows user with chrome browser and maybe 1 out of 10 copy and paste text actions are successful. This is super not sustainable. An update would be great. thank you. 


Hi there! Any news concerning this issue?😃

Badge +1

Hi @Oldjazz - I never heard back, but I found that with the new functionality of double clicking into the text to edit it, it has sent a lot of stuff haywire. So now I am copy and pasting the text into the source code (inbetween the formating code). This way I can still copy and paste, but it is for sure a bit more hassle. Still a 1000% better than hand writing it all out and risk spelling mistakes.

This is still occuring. Why? Can we get this resolved asap please
