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Hi all,


As much as I love the new template editor, it sure feels a bit buggy and not ready for prime time.

  • The UI becomes unresponsive at times and you need to leave the editor and come back
  • Sometimes auto save stops and the save button doesn’t work, so you basically lose your edits since last save.
  • The section padding switch is funky; if you set some padding, leave the panel, and come back, it looks “off” even though there’s clearly padding visible in the section. Clicking the switch again “resets” the padding to default values. So better remember how much padding you have in there, and try not to touch it.
  • Preview is weird, especially mobile preview. When you remove the mobile margins, preview still shows margins around the content. Only if you actually send a test email you can confirm that the margins are actually gone. Also, sometimes I need to leave the editor and come back in order for preview to show things correctly.
  • Undo is nice, but not really unreliable. Sometimes it undoes some weird things.
  • Also, anybody know how to edit or delete saved sections?

Thanks, -oo


You’re not the only one seeing a lot of bugs. It’s super frustrating! Especially frustrating when you’ve spent the entire day making updates only to find out late that things are NOT updating! Ugh! 

  • The sections are NOT updating universally as mentioned in the launch event 
  • Im adding link and they aren’t showing up in the actual emails that are being sent out
  • Things are NOT auto saving 
  • Links aren’t working

More things I’ve noticed today

  • If you create a new campaign that uses a template created in the new editor, the preview email’s subject line shows the name of the template instead of the actual subject line! I simply cannot make sure the campaign will go with a proper subject anymore.
  • On the review page I get this alert: We couldn't find an unsubscribe link in your email. Klaviyo will automatically add an unsubscribe link when sending the email if you don't add one.’ There is clearly an unsubscribe link in our footer, so I have no idea it’s not seeing it.
  • Link styles are ignored in Gmail – wasn’t the case before the new editor

This is a bit depressing. :thinking:


I’m waiting to chat with support because my new editor still isn’t showing but maybe I should hold off...

Hi all, 


Thank you so much for providing valuable feedback for this new feature! I have conversed with and sent these observations to the product team and they have taken note of the issues you have raised. Working to address these issues with the new editor is a top priority to us so you can use this exciting new feature smoothly and successfully. 


As mentioned in the KPE, the universal content (updating all bocks universally in all templates) is not set to roll out until later this year. We were showcasing the feature to share what’s to come. The team is aware of the issue with preview sends and is currently at work for a solution. We are also building out functionality that will allow users to delete and rename saved content directly in the Saved tab of the new editor. This feature will be available soon so keep your eyes very peeled! 

Additionally the issue below has been addressed and since fixed: 

  • Fixes to the text block, including link styling, text not appearing in sends, and custom fonts 


Please leave more additional feedback via this link: for any additional observations. It’s also available from the help button in the bottom right corner of the new editor under “Submit Feedback”. 


Thank you so much for raising these issues so they can be addressed help the Klaviyo Community at large have a more enjoyable experience! 

Hi @Taylor Tarpley. Thank you for your response. I hope I didn’t have a negative tone in my comments. The new editor is great actually; it’s just a bit buggy though :grinning:

The worst issue at this point is that I cannot use a custom subject line in any of the emails using templates created with the new editor. This is a blocker, and I hoping it gets fixed soon (I also created a support ticket about this)

Also thanks for pointing out the feedback tool. Happy to submit more observations – I’m actually a UX designer and I work with QA teams pretty closely

2months on from this and still bugs regarding the “undo” feature.. will this be fixed? It’s taking ages to learn the layout features as every time I click to try something it sends my email way out of whack and then I can’t “undo” to get it back to how it was. 

Hi @Foodstuff_pru


Thanks for sharing your experience with the Community! 


At this time, there aren’t any reported bugs working on for the ‘undo’ feature. This feature should be functioning without error in the new template. Do you mind sharing more surrounding your experience with the ‘undo’ feature not working?


If you edited or deleted a piece of your template and was not able to ‘undo’ the action and return to its original state, this could potentially be a browser or cache error. If you find that the editor is being laggy, I would suggest using Google Chrome when editing templates along with clearing your cache/cookies in the browser then trying to use the ‘undo’ feature again. The new editor takes a lot of brain power for Chrome and sometimes needs additional 'room to breathe' and clearing your cache/cookies helps in this regard.


Thank you for your participation in the Community!


Definitely not the only one. The new builder is close to impossible to use on a daily basis. Can’t Klaviyo afford a QA specialist whom would extensively test out new features before releasing them? Woah...

Hi @moodxmanager


Sorry to hear you haven’t been loving the new Template builder and appreciate you speaking up! 


Do you mind outlining your issues or inconveniences you’ve experienced with it? I would love to find solutions or workarounds for you or submit any feature requests you might have! 


Thanks for sharing your voice on this! 


Your customers shouldn’t be doing the work for you, Taylor.

Sit down for an hour and try to edit a previously built email. Write everything that goes wrong (when you plan on doing an action X, but instead it does Y). By the end of the hour, you’ll see that you’ve spent more time writing down template errors, than performing any actual work.

If you did more actual work than writing down the errors, try to adjust your email for mobile and desktop. That’s where it starts to malfunction really really bad.  

Main bugs I’m seeing:

  • Dragging sections up or down the template often yields unexpected results. They look fine in the editor, but then in the preview they aren’t where I left them. I have to go back into the editor, where they then DO show up in the wrong spot, and move them again to where I want them. And sometimes it happens all over again and I have to repeat. 
  • Often I replace an image with an updated one. Then if I clone that updated image, the clone shows up as the previous version. 
  • Auto-save is not consistent, as mentioned above. It works about 80% of the time, but often I look away and then return to find an old link or image that I placed a long time ago has suddenly appeared.
  • This is an old one, but it still grates on me - I have a custom CSS block in my template that makes some changes to mobile views. If I choose the mobile view in the editor, it ignores my custom CSS. However, if I click “Preview and Test” in the top right corner, and choose the mobile view there, it displays correctly. Seems weird, but easy work-around. 

There are certainly others, but these are the ones that are top of mind for me at this hour. 


Main bugs I’m seeing:

  • Dragging sections up or down the template often yields unexpected results. They look fine in the editor, but then in the preview they aren’t where I left them. I have to go back into the editor, where they then DO show up in the wrong spot, and move them again to where I want them. And sometimes it happens all over again and I have to repeat. 
  • Often I replace an image with an updated one. Then if I clone that updated image, the clone shows up as the previous version. 
  • Auto-save is not consistent, as mentioned above. It works about 80% of the time, but often I look away and then return to find an old link or image that I placed a long time ago has suddenly appeared.
  • This is an old one, but it still grates on me - I have a custom CSS block in my template that makes some changes to mobile views. If I choose the mobile view in the editor, it ignores my custom CSS. However, if I click “Preview and Test” in the top right corner, and choose the mobile view there, it displays correctly. Seems weird, but easy work-around. 

There are certainly others, but these are the ones that are top of mind for me at this hour. 


The first one is what frustrates me most, especially when you need to add or edit more than one email. It’s like, the time spent while looking for workarounds deprives all of the benefits that Klaviyo has to offer IMO.

When building and cloning templates for our stores the editor often crashes, often 5 times in one template while doing something simple as changing the links.

It feels really, really buggy. Often the input lag is so bad that you overwrite things when editing copy blocks.

The editor also adds borders to buttons, which only show up in the preview.

In all honesty, the new editor is clunky, slow, requires a lot more clicking than before for simple edits in large volumes and has caused us NOTHING BUT HEADACHE, and as mentioned above it’s shows a shocking attitude from you guys at Klaviyo to ask your customers to report lists of bugs while also increasing the price!

Do proper QA, if we weren’t bound to your platform by now we’d leave.

While not as “sexy” (updated UI), the old editor is far more efficient for me.

Sure, a different UI takes some time to get used to...that’s not the issue I’m having. Two things have really turned me off from this New Editor:

  • the Properties panel on the left side of the editor window is no longer resizable in the New Editor. Not sure why anyone would want to be constrained to a fixed area in which to enter and/or edit long strings of text (or in my case, custom HTML code), nor why it was necessary to even get rid of that feature (at least make it responsive based on window size, so that when going full screen, all of the panels would adjust their widths accordingly). This change has required me to create all of my Text Block content ‘offline’ and then copy and paste it into the editor—including simple edits to the content.
  • Text Blocks now strip out HTML comments, mine being in the form of MS conditional comments that are necessary in order to achieve a consistent visual presentation between the most popular email clients our customers use. This is a HUGE setback, having to now dumb down our entire email look & feel to accommodate the rogue, antiquated email rendering engines of non-web-based Outlooks.

I actually haven’t experienced any of the other issues others have been mentioning—thankfully—but there is one mild usability quirk that cropped up yesterday while I was editing an email in the New Editor:

  • when collapsing sections in the Properties panel on the left, it turns out that some of the controls are still clickable underneath the section currently being worked with. For example, when editing a Product Block, I collapsed the Content and Layout tabs as I finished with them. While I was editing in the Text Styles tab, subsequent clicks on the Title and Price headers would result in the product layout switching from 1-up stacked, to 3-up...because underneath the Title and Price headers was apparently the control for “Items per row” in the Layout section. The solution? Just don’t collapse the sections, which just leaves one with visual clutter and the need to scroll all over the place to edit.

In summary, the New Editor experience has set us back with regard to efficiency and email design integrity. Like others have said, QA seems to be lacking and it’s a little evident that this was not quite yet ready for prime time.


EDIT: forgot to add my system specs.

Hardware: Intel(R) Xeon(R) E-2276M  CPU @ 2.80GHz   2.81 GHz  |  32.0 GB RAM

OS: Windows 10 Pro  |  ver. 21H2  |  build 19044.2006

Broswer: Firefox 105.0.1 (64-bit)

Just came here to say two years later and it’s still buggy, although at this point they might just be dumb features instead of bugs. The text editor sucks, rearranging blocks is a hassle, my padding is always off no matter how many times I adjust it, and the fact that there is no option (that I’ve found) to build and preview for Dark Mode is crazy. I’ve started designing in BeeFree and importing via HTML to Klaviyo; I used to love their editor, but if I were a new customer giving it a try it would turn me off right away. 
