At this time we are unable to filter the products displayed based on the most expensive item in the order. You do have a few other custom display options:
Because items in an order are stored as lists, you do have the option to only display the first, second, etc item in an order.
You could have a play around with django tags to apply if/else logic so that these emails only display items over a certain value.
Both of the recommendations above would require custom work on the dynamic table blocks. If you need help configuring this, feel free to review our agency partners directory.
At this time we are unable to filter the products displayed based on the most expensive item in the order. You do have a few other custom display options:
Because items in an order are stored as lists, you do have the option to only display the first, second, etc item in an order.
You could have a play around with django tags to apply if/else logic so that these emails only display items over a certain value.
Both of the recommendations above would require custom work on the dynamic table blocks. If you need help configuring this, feel free to review our agency partners directory.