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Receive a team notification when an email is skipped due to a catalog lookup error.

  • 6 January 2022
  • 4 replies

We use the product catalog lookup for rendering product information. If an error occurs, such as not being able to find a product in the catalog by product ID (or worse, many errors start occurring due to the catalog being out of sync), we have no way of being aware of this.
It seems strange to me that we could potentially have thousands of emails going through a flow, and if a catalog sync error was occurring, we could potentially have thousands of emails failing to be sent, and we would never know unless we went into the klaviyo flow reporting page and checked.
I would expect that if an email error occurred we would receive a notification that something is wrong.

4 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +60

Hello @ryanw,

Thanks for sharing your feedback with the Klaviyo Community! 

At present, Klaviyo actually does already offer an in-app notification when a catalog sync issue is detected. However, these in-app notifications specific to the catalog are only available for custom catalogs. For catalogs that are synced through a native integration such as Shopify, these alerts are not available since these integrations do not provide Klaviyo with such specific details. Instead, you’ll still receive an in-app notification regarding any sync issues pertaining to your integration which would include any catalog sync issues. 

These alerts can then inform you of the next steps to alleviate the issue such as re-syncing your custom catalog or reviewing your native integration and taking the appropriate next steps such as resyncing your native integration’s catalog. You can also learn more about alerts and notifications from the About Account Notifications and Updates in Klaviyo Help Center article.


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Hi, thanks for the response. I’m actually not looking for notifications of a failure to sync, I’m hoping for notifications of errors when a template attempts to look up a product in the catalog but can’t find it. This appears in the email analytics as “Skipped: Catalog Item Unavailable”, see screenshot. We’d like to receive a notification when these emails are skipped, so that we can ensure the customer receives that skipped information, and investigate why the item wasn’t found.

Userlevel 7
Badge +60

Hey @ryanw,

Thanks for those additional details! At present, Klaviyo does not have any messaging or notification pertaining to emails being skipped. I’ll share this feedback with our Product Team as I believe it would be a great feature to allow users to be more aware of an increased number of skipped emails. 

Thanks for being a part of the Klaviyo Community!


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I just want to present a real world situation we had that could’ve been mitigated with some kind of error monitoring / notifications from klaviyo.


We mistakenly pushed a release that caused us to send emails via our Klaviyo Development account rather than our Klaviyo Production account. These two accounts have separate product catalogs with separate product IDs, and as a result all emails were failing to send with a Catalog Lookup error. Four days and 1500 dropped emails later we happened to notice our customers weren’t receiving their transactional emails, so we checked our Klaviyo analytics and found the “Skipped Emails”.


While this bug was of course our own fault, error notifications would have saved us some major Monday headaches.
