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Hi Community friends!

Welcome to the beta of our Klaviyo Community Forum. We can't wait to learn more about you and your business. To kick things off, let’s share some proper introductions.


  • What's your name? 
  • What are you most passionate about?
  • Where do you work and what is your role?
  • What’s one thing you love most about your company?

We’re stoked to have you here with us, and we’re looking forward to building an incredible community with you.


My name is Violeta and I am the Marketing Director at Doctor Aromas.

We are a small company based in Miami, and we specialize in Home Perfumes. We have a unique system that works through the A/C system, scenting the whole home. Our marketing team has been using Klaviyo for the past 2 years and we love it!

I look forward to learning and sharing with this community!



Hey everyone!

I’m Amanda, chiming in from Victoria, BC, Canada. Currently the Marketing Manager for Abeego. I live at the intersection of customer experience, ecommerce, and partnerships. We’re on Shopify Plus and using Klaviyo too.

I’m passionate about all things food - how to grow, harvest, store, prep and consume. If there’s food, I’m there. Outside of things related to food & work, you’ll find me fishing, hiking, camping, and skiing. 

What I love most about our company is that we’re much more than a food wrap. At Abeego, we’re on a mission to end food waste at home and nourish a world free to do more good collectively than alone. Together we can Keep Food Alive in pursuit of food sovereignty for all. 

Feel free to send me a note if you’re a foodie interested in reducing food waste too!

Thanks Klaviyo team for putting this forum together. I’m excited to dig in! 

  • My name is Sloan
  • I’m passionate about brand building and cultivating community. I think those are two things that are integral to long term success. 
  • I work at Stratia ( as the Director of Marketing and Strategy. We’re a indie skincare brand with a cult-following on Reddit + social media based out of Los Angeles, CA.
  • What I love most about Stratia is that we are so transparent and open with our products and how we make them. I think that really resonates with people. My role is to amplify that message as much as possible.


Hey everyone!

My name is Ivana (right), and this is my colleague Scott (left).


We work at Social Lite, an eCommerce sales and marketing and Shopify Partner agency based in Edmonton, Alberta.

I’m the Director of Marketing at Social Lite, so my primary responsibility is overseeing marketing for the agency itself. This year, we launched an online training centre for Shopify store owners called Merchant Mastery. The majority of my work right now revolves around overseeing new course launches, teaching modules (I teach one on email marketing), and managing our online community of 1,000+ merchants.

I absolutely LOVE getting to meet hundreds of merchants, hearing their stories to merchant-dom (we’ll call that a word ha!), and helping them scale their revenue.

Even though we’re based in Edmonton, the cool thing about our agency is that the majority of our clients are actually all over the world. 

Looking forward to seeing what everyone else shares!

Hiya @Manny Singh

Thanks so much for being a part of our Klaviyo Community - we’re so glad to have you here! We’re excited to continue growing this forum, and thrilled to be able to provide a space for our extended Klaviyo ecosystem to share their findings, successes, and ask help from others. If there are any success stories or interesting learnings from your experience with Mint Green Group and Apollo Merchants, we’d love to hear it in the Show & Tell section

As @apoole already mentioned, if you have ideas or feedback, please don’t hesitate to let me know. 

p.s. Applauding you for picking up piano! I downloaded an app recently to try and pick it back up but my fingers never know where to go! It is satisfying to see the incremental progress though, and be able to associate a note with a key. Keep up the great work! 


Will do! 


Also for piano, I tried going the app and Youtube route but found it hard to learn that way.  I ended up taking in-person lessons (pre-COVID) and found that the first 1 hour lesson beat all the apps I tried.  However, if you haven’t already, check out this site: … they probably have the best resources (and online teachers) from everything I’ve tried online (discovered them after I started in-person lessons and now knowing what I know, they are good). 

Hey all! My name is Jessica

I’m passionate about animals, the outdoors, and my community! In my free time, I do everything I can to get outside and stay active.

I’m the Marketing/Communications manager for Fuse Lenses. We specialize in custom made replacement lenses for any name-brand sunglasses! I’m responsible for overseeing all of our communications, including email (which we use Klaviyo for, of course!) 

I love being a part of a small team! Our company has less than 30 employees and our marketing team has around 5. I love the collaboration that happens and the fact that you can see your impact across all channels of the business! I also love working for Fuse because they are so customer-focused, which I think you really need to be to stay relevant and alive in the ecomm space now.

Looking forward to being a part of this community and learning from everyone! 

Such a cool business, didn’t know something like this existed! (will probably need to use this in the near future).

Also, such a great site experience (love the design).

I’m with you on the love of being on a small team.  I’ve worked in larger corporations and am currently in a family-owned business (about 40 people) and love having my hands in so many different parts of the business (and things happen much faster than at a large company!).


My name is Violeta and I am the Marketing Director at Doctor Aromas.

We are a small company based in Miami, and we specialize in Home Perfumes. We have a unique system that works through the A/C system, scenting the whole home. Our marketing team has been using Klaviyo for the past 2 years and we love it!

I look forward to learning and sharing with this community!



Welcome!  Scents through the HVAC system is very interesting.  I see you have a separate site for the Canadian market. 

The company I work for is a distributor for American brands in Canada and I run the Canadian sites.  I’ve learned a lot about the Canadian customer in the past 2 years (if there’s a way to provide free shipping, do it haha).  If you have any questions, reach out any time.

Hey everyone!

I’m Amanda, chiming in from Victoria, BC, Canada. Currently the Marketing Manager for Abeego. I live at the intersection of customer experience, ecommerce, and partnerships. We’re on Shopify Plus and using Klaviyo too.

I’m passionate about all things food - how to grow, harvest, store, prep and consume. If there’s food, I’m there. Outside of things related to food & work, you’ll find me fishing, hiking, camping, and skiing. 

What I love most about our company is that we’re much more than a food wrap. At Abeego, we’re on a mission to end food waste at home and nourish a world free to do more good collectively than alone. Together we can Keep Food Alive in pursuit of food sovereignty for all. 

Feel free to send me a note if you’re a foodie interested in reducing food waste too!

Welcome Amanda,

Fellow British Columbian here! Born and raised in Abbotsford (now in Toronto).  Loved going to the island. 

Very cool product, my wife and I are starting to be more conscious about wastage (composting, microfiber cloth vs paper towels, meal planning and buying accordingly - not always perfect though).  The avocado video on the hero image is a perfect example of something we face regularly!

Hey guys and fellow Canadians, great to meet you all… 

I’m Travis, the Strategy Director for the Growth Gurus.. an agency mainly focused on e-commerce email/sms marketing. I lead the strategy behind all the segmentation and flows plans for clients, and love my job because I get to work with so many amazing brands and watch their revenue grow.

We love Klaviyo for it’s ease of use and functionality.. I’ve been in the email world for 10 years and Klaviyo is a breath of fresh air compared to large enterprise ESPs. 

I’m passionate about using data to push the boundaries of personalizing marketing.. and also passionate about surfing and kitesurfing.. probably because they’re strategic sports that also keep me fit..

Looking forward to chatting more with some of you.

Hi Everyone! My name is Orion (pronounced Oh-Ryan!… exclamation is of course mandatory).

I’m passionate about cooking, travel, and connection to people.  When I can do all three, I’m golden!

My company is BlackTravelBox™️  we’re an inclusive brand of  personal care products made for life on the go. I founded it in 2017 to give women of color a brand they could trust for all of their out of home personal care/beauty needs. 

One thing I really love about my company is the love we get from our customers. I could be having the worst day and someone will message or email and tell me they love what we’re doing and to keep on going. It’s the best. 

Hey guys! I’m Sara. I just stumbled on this community forum and couldn’t be more excited! I am passionate about mountain biking and skiing, they’re my two most favorite hobbies outside of spending time with my little family. I am the Digital Marketing Manager at Kodiak Cakes, and have worked there for about 3 ½ years. It’s been an absolute blast and feel super lucky to be a part of the Kodiak family. Can’t wait to get to know you all a little better!

Hey guys,

My name is Stefan, I’m 29 years old and I live in Bosnia and Herzegovina. I’ve been in the world of email marketing for 3 years now, starting off in sales and gradually moving on to a management position.


Professionally, I’m passionate about data and analytics, finding patterns in customer and platform behavior, and using it to my team’s and our clients’ advantage. Personally, I like cowboy movies, electric guitar, kickboxing, and a quiet family life. 


Currently, I’m the Head of Operations at Underground Ecom, an email marketing agency from the UK. My role is to ensure that a very driven team of managers, designers, copywriters, QA persons, and others have the tools and resources at their disposal for maximum efficiency, and also to audit and improve internal SOPs and ensure sustainable team growth. 


I love how much quality work we’re all able to put out in a day, and I feel wonderful knowing everybody likes and trusts everybody else. 

Hoping to be of assistance to everybody here!


@violeta, @amandachan, @sloansymington, @Ivana Radojevic, @Travis, @Orion B (Oh-Ryan!), @Sara D., @StefanUE 

Hi friends! Welcome to the Klaviyo Community - we’re so happy to have you here! I’m thrilled to learn a little more about you and your businesses, and I look forward to learning more about your email marketing journeys/experiences (and of course, any feedback on the Klaviyo side of things). 

Since the holiday season is coming up soon, we’d love to hear from you guys on what 1-2 top products are from your companies, or holiday gifts you’ve been excited about. Feel free to drop your comments and ideas in this Shop Small Holiday Post

So great to meet you all, 

Hi everyone, 

I’m Benjamin, the Email Marketing Manager at Stream Commerce, a Shopify Plus agency based in Toronto, Canada. However, I am based in Paris, France

I’m passionate about triathlon and new technologies! I also like reading and learning new things :relaxed:

I love that Stream Commerce is a company that allows their people to tailor their ideal job. I started as a Shopify Developer and am now in charge of the email marketing team! Pretty big change eh? I also like that I get to work with colleagues around the world although most of them are based in the Toronto area :grin:


Looking forward to chatting with you guys!




Hi! :hand_splayed_tone2:

I’m Erin, an independent eCommerce consultant and Gold Partner. I uncover hidden revenue opportunities in Shopify, Email and SMS for my clients! 

I come from a :lipstick:Beauty industry background and many of my clients are makeup/skincare/wellness companies as well as other lifestyle CPG companies (apparel, accessories, home, mama & baby).

:sparkles: My daily goal is to serve others - I always put forward my best for my clients and I’m grateful to have cultivated amazing partnerships with them! 

In my off time, I am hiking/golfing/camping with my kids, family and friends. 

Please reach out if you’d like to connect! |



Hi everyone, 

I’m Daniel, and I’m a Klaviyo Gold Member and the head of the Email & SMS Marketing Department for The Snow Agency ❄️, a full-service digital marketing agency. I have six years of email marketing experience; I started at an affiliate marketing agency then spent some time at Scentbird, where I managed the email strategy for Scentbird and sister brands. Now I’m leading a department and helping a plethora of brands scale. 

I’m passionate about helping people, fashion, and music. Gotta major sweet tooth, by the way.

What I love most about SNOW❄️  is the encouragement for education, growth, and innovation. We want each other to be successful, and sharing advice with one another is second nature here.  Also, working with brands of all sizes and helping them scale! 

I’m looking forward to connecting with everyone, helping w/ any problems, and learning from you all. 


The team! 👇👇👇👇👇


My name is Vladimir and I’ve been a true Klaviyo fan for over half a year now. I’m a freelancer helping e-commerce entrepreneurs with their email marketing!

I’m so glad to have Ryan Deiss and Ezra Firestone as my mentors and learn from those legends when it comes to email marketing…

...and I thank all of Klaviyo staff for creating such amazing software that serves me as a stepping stone for my entrepreneurial journey!

I’ve learned so much from their blog and I’ve been helped dozens of times by the amazing support.

All my clients have come from Upwork, and I just recently (2 weeks ago) started an IG account (@ecommercevlad) where I grow as a brand and share all my knowledge and basically everything I know regarding successful email marketing!

My passions are reading (a LOT haha), personal development, space exploration, and artificial intelligence.

As a matter of fact, I believe my purpose in life is to actively participate in space exploration this century. This is my life goal!

What I love most about being an email marketing freelancer is meeting and helping so many like-minded entrepreneurs some of which are just 17,18 and are already making millions with e-commerce!

My short-term goal is to become the biggest and most influential IG account when it comes to email marketing for eCommerce.

I appreciate all of you and I’m so glad to be part of this community!

Much love,

Hi All! 

My name is Maya, and I am the community manager/ content creator at Healthy Roots Dolls. I am passionate about my community, natural hair, balance, women and children's development, and mental health. 

I am in charge of all email marketing, the Facebook group, and the blogs at Healthy Roots Dolls. We are a multicultural toy company, teaching little girls how to love their curls through educational hair play. 

I love that my company has a positive impact on children's lives. I also get to experience the magic and joy that our toys bring to children nationwide. I also love that the company is small, and the CEO is a black woman. 

Hi team Klaviyo!

I’m Jen Hansard. I’ve just jumped ship from Infusionsoft (today is Day #1 of migration, actually) and I’m so excited to be here. I am the founder of Simple Green Smoothies, a blog that turned into a business… then into a shopify store. It’s been a wonderful journey of helping people embrace plant-based recipes and feel their best. 

I’m most passionate about our National Parks and spending time in them. Every summer, I take my kids on a month long adventure to explore a section of NP. This past summer (covid summer) we did Yellowstone, Tetons, Glacier, Badlands, Wind Cave and Rocky Mountain). For 2021, we’re doing all of the California parks, which should be amazing too.


I also really like to run far. I’m not fast, but I can go forever. Like 62 miles forever— in a day and just applied to the Worlds Toughest Race…. I hope I make it! Haha!


I’m a blogger and biz owner who is still learning how to market the awesome brand we’ve built.  I’m obsessed with the protein powder I created for smoothies. It’s the best out there and took 4 years to create— and I’m beyond excited with how many people love it too!


Excited to learn from you all and experience the Klaviyo magic sauce. :) 

Hey Klavians!


I’m Darin and I head up email marketing and design for, a Toronto based agency though I’m right here in Metrowest Boston.


I work with a variety of clients in the DTC space and am working on a new SMS Cart Abandonment flow right this very minute. I’m trying to find the checkout started parameter to insert in the SMS but don't see one listed. I  {{ organization.url }}products/{{ item.product.handle }} this from the email flow but am unsure if it’s working correctly in my test SMS. Can anyone advise if this is the correct parameter to use in an SMS?

Thank you!


Hi everyone,


My name is Stephanie Masterman and I am a freelance nutrition, health and wellbeing writer. I use Klaviyo as an amazing platform to create engaging and valuable newsletters for my client’s subscribers.

I am passionate about communicating evidence-based information that’s fact-driven and not padded out with waffle and BS!

I work for multiple clients in the health and wellness sector and have only last week transitioned into my full-time freelance role. My business @nutrinoggin is the result of four years’ hard work on evenings and weekends alongside a full-time NHS job in dietetics - so I’m please it has been worth the effort :)

The thing I love most about my role is the constant research and innovation both for myself and within my amazing client’s businesses and wide teams.

Looking forward to some virtual networking and learning from those much more experienced than myself!


Thanks for having me, 



Hi everybody!


My name is Emela and I work for a family-owned skin care company called goPure Beauty. I’m responsible for email and SMS marketing. Our main goals with email marketing are to convert new customers into repeat customers and to also increase our 60day customer values.

My favorite thing about working at goPure is the working culture and the amount of responsibility I have in my role. Also, we value our customers tremendously and taking their feedback into account in what I do and seeing them benefit from it has been highly rewarding!

I’ve been working in the email marketing/CRM space for over 6 years, but due to the fact that I was working in Europe, I haven’t used Klaviyo until now. I’m super impressed with how much the tool can do and how easy it is to use. However I am a new user, so I do still have lots of questions and that’s why I’m really happy to see this community being built here!

In my free time (and during non-covid times), I love traveling and trying local foods everywhere I go. 

Happy to be here!



Hey all!

My name is Djedjy Hill- Djedjy pronounces JG like the letters

Being born and raised in a Third-World Country, I am passionate about self-development. I also love dogs and tennis. In my spare time, I like to keep improving myself in all aspects of life.

I am an Entrepreneur/Marketing Student, through self-learning. I’d love to become proficient at copywriting and marketing in general. I have been using Klaviyo for my email marketing strategies and I absolutely love it. My results so far are all over the place which satisfies my “passion of self-improvement” immensely, knowing there is much more to learn. 

I hope to be able to absorb and learn from all of you as I navigate through this journey, and lastly, I hope to one day inspire others from my native country that it is possible to make something of oneself no matter one’s upbringing. 

Looking forward to being a part of this community and learning from everyone! 

Hi Darin, 

Thanks so much for being a part of our Klaviyo Community! It’s so great to learn a little more about you, and hear that you’re working on your SMS Cart Abandonment flow! Feel free to post questions like this directly into the “Questions” section under Campaign, Flows & SMS. 

I took a look at the event variable and it does look correct. The event variable is: 

{{ event.extra.line_items.0.product.handle }}

and the final tag should look like: 

{{ organization.url }}products/{{ item.product.handle }}

One thing to note here is that if you’re using the organization.url tag, you must set your link protocol to <Other> instead of http or https. You may notice when using {{ organization.url }} to show a certain product that it leads to a broken link. This happens because Klaviyo populates your website URL in the template using the {{ organization.url }} tag, which pulls directly from the URL you have inserted in your account settings. Removing the forward slash (/) in your account settings can resolve this issue. 
You can see more resources of SMS and event variables in this section of the Personalized Flow Emails with Dynamic Data article.


Hi everyone, my name is Ronke and I am glad to be a part of this community. The welcome e-mail with a private message is a really clever way to break-in. I’m new at email marketing and hoping to do it better. I have a podcast and a leather handbag brand. 
