Sticky Tutorial

Welcome Series Setup and Best Practices

  • 21 September 2020
  • 31 replies

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Userlevel 7
Badge +60

Just to follow up with the question @Wslade asked, on top of the information that Julie shared above, I would also recommend that others who are experiencing something similar should take a look at the Creating a Welcome Series article which includes a video guide to build out the Welcome Series flow content.

@blueoxford  - you may have already received an answer for this, but in case others also have a similar question in the future, this sort of flow you are explaining seems more like a Post-Purchase flow or a Winback flow as opposed to a Welcome Series flow.

Post-Purchase flows and Winback flows are sent after a customer has purchased to either provide more information to the purchasers about their order, thanking them for the order, educating them on your brand, and/or upselling them on their recent purchase. 

You should be able to evaluate the effectiveness of your strategy by directly measuring the revenue attributed to the email sent to these non-subscribers. By default, Klaviyo has a five-day last interaction (open or click) attribution model. That means whichever email your contacts opens or clicks immediately prior to a recorded Placed Order event, so long as the email was received within the last five days, would receive the attribution for that specific sale.

With that in mind, you would be able to measure the effectiveness of your upsell strategy based on the conversion rate, number of attributed sales, and attributed revenue of this email you sent to these non-subscribers who purchased and converted. Should your email convince these customers to convert, they would make a subsequent purchase after reading up on the benefits of your subscription, which would be attributed to the email.

Thanks for being a part of our Klaviyo Community!


Userlevel 7
Badge +39

Hi. I have created a welcome flow that sends emails 7-days after the order fulfilment flag in Shopify to allow time for the product to arrive and be used.

One email is for active subscribers (based on a shopify tag value) with a split that sends an email variant to non-subscribers (single purchase).

The non-subscribers receive a welcome email that highlights the benefits of a subscription.

My question: how can I measure the effectiveness of the flow for non-subscribers i.e converting them to a subscriber? If they subsequently place a subscription order, the shopify tag will be updated to show this has happened but I can’t see a way of attributing that status change to the flow.

Possible to do this? Any ideas appreciated!

Badge +1

I’m totally new to this.  Is there a place that helps you understand how to edit each of the welcome emails?  For instance, on the 3rd email under each of the 4 blocks it says “ Read More” with hyperlink.  How do I add the reminder of the information to that block of information?

Is there a very basic step-by-step guide to working on each of the emails?

Badge +1

Thanks Cassy - I’m not too sure, but I think because I had one email in the flow accidentally in draft that the whole flow wasn’t sending correctly. I hope that helps!

Userlevel 6
Badge +9

Hi @veeaubrey - thanks for sharing both your question, and that you have found a solution! As this Community forum is aimed at everyone learning from one another and growing together, if you have the time, we’d love it if you could share your findings so that other members may also see it in the future! 

Thanks so much and hope you’re having a lovely week so far,

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*****EDIT: Solution found - please disregard!**** When I add people manually to my list, it is not triggering the welcome flow. Any ideas? Thank you!
