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I reported this problem back in June of 2021. In Sept 2021 and Dec 2022 I reported it again and was told it was being escalated or that the engineering team was “aware of it”. Each time I was told someone would get back to me and no one ever did. Nothing seems to be happening with it. I’m hoping someone here has found a workaround.

I’m using the Klaviyo back-in-stock notifier with BigCommerce.  In a nutshell, Klaviyo reads BC product info *once* when you first create the product and never again.

Add a product with no variants and give it SKU “tshirt”.  Klaviyo reads it and all is well.  If you then add variants with new SKUS (“tshirt-red”, t-shirt-blue”), klaviyo does not see those updates, and the “notify me when back in stock” button appears on the product pages even thought the products have qty in stock.

The problem is that there’s no way to force Klaviyo to re-sync the product info.  The Shopify integration does have this functionality so I don’t understand why the BC integration doesn’t have it as well.

Has anyone found a workaround for this?

Hi @mike.potvin and welcome back to the Community!


I can confirm that there are Product Requests submitted on behalf of this issue - both for a targeted re-sync option, and for removing the delay for variant updates in BigCommerce. To build on the latter, product and variant changes from BigCommerce typically update in Klaviyo after 3 and 1 hour(s) respectively. May I ask you to clarify if you are experiencing a different time delay? In other words, are you saying that the variants never update at all? 


I agree that some combination of reducing the time delay and allowing manual re-sync would be a valuable feature, however there aren’t any available updates/workarounds on these requests at this time. If you’d like to add further information about the issue that you haven’t already mentioned to support however, I would be happy to append those further insights to the Product Request.


I hope this helps to clarify, and thanks for using the Community!

- Brian

Hey @Brian Turcotte, I was told when I first reported the issue that the sync is only ever done once.  I wasn’t aware there was *any* resync time period so I’ve never waited an hour to see the resync happen. 

When I’m cloning and editing a product in BC and then creating a campaign in Klaviyo to announce that new product, the product shows both “add to cart” AND “notify me when...”. I assume what you’re saying is that if I waited 1 hours the “notify me” button would disappear since the variants would show qty available in-stock?

Hi @mike.potvin


Yes, the default update period for variants is 1 hour, but if the variants aren’t updating at all, then I would suggest either contacting Support again (since it may be an account specific issue), or considering re-integrating, if that’s possible for your business. 



