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I am trying to create events based on the data from the third party app (booking platform). The goal is to trigger an event in Klaviyo every time a customer books a class through the booking platform. I am using Webhooks by Zapier, and while the test trigger works well, I am getting stuck on the Klaviyo step once the automation is launched. I am facing an error  “ the email address is missing”, however, the third party app sends the required data on the email and the event ID. 


On the Zap setup: 



On the error: 

Could someone share their view on this and what’s possibly can be wrong? 

Many thanks!

Hi @telmanph,

Are you sure the email address is passing through correctly in Zapier?

This should not be a big issue. 

As I can't see exactly what variables you're using it seems to me that the email is not getting populated rather is showin a {…._email}} which should be an email address.

I'd make sure that you've added the variable for email correctly and that when testing it (getting data from the booking platform in first step) it's showing event data.


Omar Lovert // Polaris Growth // Klaviyo Master Platinum Partner
