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Hi KL community,


Wanted to gauge the interest of other brands for a roll out of a Klaviyo Browser Push notification, separate from the iOS push notifications that are currently featured. A lot of other CRMs that are a bit larger offer as part of their kit this but I like my KL ecosystem. I currently use a 3rd party Shopify App to provide this feature, where I can create similar flows to my KL (Abandon cart, welcome series) as well as notify interested subscribers about blog posts, and lastly to support my one time campaign measures. It’d be great to have this as part of my Klaviyo to prevent customer fatigue by hitting them in more than one medium, as well as provide customers the opportunity to choose how they get notified. 

I am currently looking at Klaviyo as a viable solution for my company and having the ability to send web push notifications is on the must-have list, so I would really like to see this.


If vendors do not want to implement this themselves, it would be really nice if they all at least had a generic webhook solution to allow business users to use Klaviyo work flows to setup send rules and message content, but instead of Klaviyo doing the actual send, just make a generic webhook call and let customers implement the sending.


For those that don’t know what a webhook is, your developers would just enter a URL (like on your website) in to Klaviyo, and then when a work flow in Klaviyo needs to send a message, Klaviyo would just post the message to that URL (your website) and your website developers would handle sending the message which can be anything that Klaviyo doesn’t support directly, like a web push notification (for your PWA), or a Facebook Instant Messenger message, or anything else not directly supported by your ESP.

Hello @emericharney and @espc,

Really appreciate you both for sharing your feedback with the Klaviyo Community!

Outside of the iOS Push notification, Klaviyo does not yet support push notifications at this time. I love the idea of reaching your customers through various mediums to prevent email fatigue! I’ll share these thoughtful insights and suggestions to our Product Team to look further into. 

Great suggestion on using a webhook as a work around, @espc. At present, Klaviyo only supports receiving data via webhooks from supported integration and does not support webhooks to send data from Klaviyo. That said, this feature to utilize webhooks to post events outside of Klaviyo is on the Klaviyo roadmap and is currently being worked on by our engineers and Product Team. I’ll circle back on this post and provide an updates once this feature does become available or if there were any news I can relay from our internal teams.

Thank you both for being members of the Klaviyo Community!


Hi, great to hear that outbound webhooks are currently being developed! Can you give a ballpark ETA on this feature?

Hey @Pepijn,

Thanks for your interest in our outbound webhook feature!

At present this feature is still in development and we currently do not have an ETA on its release at this time. When we do have more information about this feature, i’ll be sure to share it with the other Community members following along to this post. 

Thanks for being a Klaviyo Community Member and have a great day!


Fingers crossed! Really missing pushes in Klaviyo

Was about to reach you for the web push service, luckily found this thread. Found helpful, however, would be really interested to hear more if any update on this.

Hi @Seb,

Glad to hear you found this thread helpful! 

As an update to everyone following this pos: It is coming soon - the team has been beavering away at this for some time so please keep your eyes peeled because there should be an announcement coming on this (although I can't give you an exact date, unfortunately). Follow along to our blog at for product updates and releases.


Once there is a confirmed update, there will be a post here regarding that update!


Thank you,


Great news @alex.hong . Really looking forward to this feature opposed to adopting a completely separate platform. Hopefully we all hear more soon!



Hey @alex.hong - a couple of months ago, I noticed you’ve mentioned to keep your eyes peeled for an announcement on this. Do we have an ETA on it’s release? :grinning: Cheers.

Hi there @hayley.0,

Thanks for the ping here! Currently we still do not have an ETA regarding this as our Product team is working through other developments and we at the Community are unable to provide an accurate date. We do appreciate having vocal community members advocate for a feature request as that can be forwarded to show high demand for specific things.

In the meantime, I would recommend checking out PushOwl for web notifications. Just note we don't have an integration with them. OneSignal is another option I have seen used.

Apologies for the inconvenience.


Checking in, any news on release?

Hi there @redheaddigital,

I believe this article might be of use? Let me know what you think!


any ETA on release


This is something that I'm excited about, any updates?

Also any recommendation for third party tools that works for shopify/woocommerce and can sync with Klaviyo (via zapier for ex.)

Hi @Jakub and @legate ,

Outside of the iOS Push notification, Klaviyo does not yet support push notifications at this time. I for one, love the idea of reaching your customers through various mediums to prevent email fatigue! I’ll share these thoughtful insights and suggestions to our Product Team to look further into and to keep advocating for.
In the meantime, you can have a look at these 3rd party apps:

Hey @alex.hong - It’s interesting that the team is working on outbound webhooks. Bumping it up to see what the update is.

Also, can we help us with a workaround on how I use 3rd party tools to power push notifications sans zapier   

Hi @Arvind thanks for your inquiry. I cannot provide an exact update on time for each product update. However, Klaviyo does support webhooks since the time the post was created. 

I am curious what 3rd party tool you are planning on utilizing with Zapier?

iOS 16.4 and iPadOS 16.4 will let web apps saved to the home screen send push notifications similar to native apps so, in my opinion, this feature just became more worthy of building support for.


I agree with cisco. It would be a standard klaviyo feature as a owned channel, epecially after the web app support from apple 

Sooooo, 3 years later, was this ever added? 

Sooooo, 3 years later, was this ever added? 

No, it was not. 

Agree with comments above that this should be a standard feature by now. Hopefully it’ll land soon.
