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How do I add a custom webhook endpoint for Klaviyo to call when a user unsubscribes for a list? Does this exists? It’s a must have feature of an email provider. If this isnt available how else can I keep subscription statuses synced with my application database?

Hi @sylvie


Welcome to the Community! Happy to help out with this! 


Yes, you can use achieve what you’re looking to do by using the  GET api/v1/people/exclusions endpoint to retrieve global suppressions. You will then know who is unsubscribed and anyone who’s not included in that call would be subscribed. I would recommend checking out this very helpful topic posted by a peer in the Community about the same topic! 


Thanks for your participation in the Community!


This is a solution but requires a regular cron job and a fair amount of processing on our own servers to iterate through the returned data, executing an unsubscribe action on each result.

Please could I raise a feature request for a more traditional webhook solution that just calls a URL when someone either a) unsubscribes or b) subscribes? That way I will know that my own systems are *always* in sync with Klaviyo.

It’s important because people who are subscribed to our mailing list get a reduced shipping rate and some other benefits when they purchase. If they’ve subbed via klaviyo and then order before a sync has occurred, we’ll end up billing them wrongly.

I would echo @dartacus - I’m really surprised this isn’t a thing, don’t really want to have to hit that end point continually.

Has there been any progress on this feature request @Taylor Tarpley?

Thanks, Stuart.

Hi @dartacus, @1stevengrant and @Stuart Heggie!

We do now have webhook functionality that can be triggered when someone subscribes, but at this time, webhooks are limited to events that can trigger a flow - so unsubscribes are not eligible:


However, our Product team is aware of this feature request, so I’ll update the thread if anything changes in the future.




@Brian Turcotte thanks for clarifying, that is extremely disappointing. Can you please provide some indication to the priority of this feature request?

thanks Stuart!

Hi @Stuart Heggie


I don’t have an exact timeline for this feature, but I can assure you that the team is actively evaluating this functionality, and I have forwarded your feedback to supplement the request!




Just started using Klaviyo and kind of shocked this is not implemented yet. This is crucial, as you always need to keep various lists in different external databases in synch with Klaviyo. Please implement this. Going to hold off on sending emails thru Klaviyo until this is implemented as otherwise it will become a massive pain to keep lists in synch across various databases. Every major email providers offers this type of webhook, btw.

I managed to figure this out through some trial and error, but it is possible to have a webhook fire on unsubscribes.

  1. Make a new Segment, and add these rules:
  2. Create a new Flow, based on the Segment you just made. The idea is that when a user clicks unsubscribe, OR if you unsubscribe (or suppress) them, they will then ‘join’ this segment which can fire your webhook.



Make sure you make the flow “Live” because the “Manual” option won’t work for triggers that rely on list/segment entry. Also, I found that the segment took between about 5 and 15 minutes to actually get updated when the user unsubscribes, so the webhook doesn’t fire til they are in the segment, but it did fire and my webservice did catch and process it so proof of concept works!


I don’t know if this is something new but hope that helps everyone!



Webhook should have unsubscribe option as database of unsubscribers are relatively big and if you have to read this data all the time we all know that this is far from optimal and it affects all systems big time!!

We have all of our customer data (lots of them) in our ERP/CRM as we do not target our customers only from Klaviyo. Because of that we need to have this information, who unsubscribed through Klaviyo, in real-time not with some postponed calls to your api, webhook with fake lists, etc.


This is a huge drawback for companies like ours!

Hi @Stuart Heggie


I don’t have an exact timeline for this feature, but I can assure you that the team is actively evaluating this functionality, and I have forwarded your feedback to supplement the request!




I suggest you set this timeline soon as in bigger companies this information is a must and have to be in sync in real time. Currently this option is a half-developed product.

In case we send only one marketing message to a person who has unsubscribed, we risk a high penalty!

Hi @Stuart Heggie


I don’t have an exact timeline for this feature, but I can assure you that the team is actively evaluating this functionality, and I have forwarded your feedback to supplement the request!




I suggest you set this timeline soon as in bigger companies this information is a must and have to be in sync in real time. Currently this option is a half-developed product.

In case we send only one marketing message to a person who has unsubscribed, we risk a high penalty!

Feedback would be appriciated as we are having some serious isues with Klaviyo integration as our profiles are not in sync between CRM and Klaviyo.

We need a flow webhook for subscribe/unsubscribe/suppress/unsuppress in real time.

I managed to figure this out through some trial and error, but it is possible to have a webhook fire on unsubscribes.

  1. Make a new Segment, and add these rules:
  2. Create a new Flow, based on the Segment you just made. The idea is that when a user clicks unsubscribe, OR if you unsubscribe (or suppress) them, they will then ‘join’ this segment which can fire your webhook.



Make sure you make the flow “Live” because the “Manual” option won’t work for triggers that rely on list/segment entry. Also, I found that the segment took between about 5 and 15 minutes to actually get updated when the user unsubscribes, so the webhook doesn’t fire til they are in the segment, but it did fire and my webservice did catch and process it so proof of concept works!


I don’t know if this is something new but hope that helps everyone!



I found that the webhook wasn't triggering when users unsubscribed from my lists. I've double-checked the endpoint URL, configured the events correctly, and saved the webhook, but there seems to be a disconnect in the communication between Klaviyo and my external system. 

How do I add a custom webhook endpoint for Klaviyo to call when a user unsubscribes for a list? Does personal trainer carrollton tx exists? It’s a must have feature of an email provider. If this isnt available how else can I keep subscription statuses synced with my application database?

Hey, In your Klaviyo account, navigate to the settings or integrations section where you can configure webhooks. Add the URL of your custom webhook endpoint and specify the events you want Klaviyo to send notifications for, such as "unsubscribe". I hope you understand it.

How do I add a custom webhook endpoint for Klaviyo to call when a user unsubscribes for a list? Does this exists? It’s a must have feature of an email provider. If this isnt available how else can I keep subscription statuses synced with my application scarlet for iOS database?

Hey Dear, Implement mechanisms to sync email subscription statuses between Klaviyo and your application database whenever changes occur. This may involve integrating with Klaviyo's API to retrieve subscriber data and reconcile it with your database records. If you still need any help mention me here.


Am I correct in assuming that you're basically paywalled this pretty generic function behind your CDP app (500$+/mo, > Webhooks section + CDP docs) and now

I don’t have an exact timeline for this feature, but I can assure you that the team is actively evaluating this functionality, and I have forwarded your feedback to supplement the request!



trying your best t̶o̶ ̶a̶c̶t̶i̶v̶e̶l̶y̶ ̶e̶v̶a̶l̶u̶a̶t̶e̶  not to add it to your core product so you don't potentially "lose" in profits?

How do I add a custom webhook endpoint for Klaviyo to call when a user unsubscribes for a list? Does burgermenuprice exists? It’s a must have feature of an email provider. If this isnt available how else can I keep subscription statuses synced with my application database?

While Klaviyo doesn't offer custom webhook endpoints for unsubscribes specifically, you can still use their webhooks for other events such as email clicks or opens. Although these events won't directly indicate an unsubscribe, you can infer user disengagement and update their subscription status accordingly in your database.

How do I add a custom webhook endpoint for Klaviyo to call when a user unsubscribes for a list? Does this exists? It’s a must have feature of an email provider of buddhist priest. If this isnt available how else can I keep subscription statuses synced with my application database?

This feature is pivotal for our application's workflow, as it allows us to seamlessly sync subscription statuses with our database in real-time. Klaviyo's current webhook capabilities don't directly support custom endpoints for unsubscribe events. This presents a significant hurdle in maintaining data accuracy and ensuring smooth synchronization between Klaviyo and our application database.

Echoing other developers here: We need a trigger metric when a user unsubscribes. This is a pretty critical feature.

We need to be able to report the user’s subscription status accurately without making a request to Klaviyo every time we want to draw their account page.

How do I add a custom webhook endpoint for Klaviyo to call when a user unsubscribes for a list? Does this exists? It’s a must have feature of an email provider. If this isnt available how else can I keep subscription statuses synced with my application database?

Hey Dear, 

Explore third-party marketing automation platforms that integrate with both Klaviyo and your application. These platforms might offer more extensive webhook functionalities, including unsubscribe events.

How do I add a custom webhook endpoint for Klaviyo to call when a user unsubscribes for a list? Does this exists? It’s a must have feature of an email provider. If this isnt available how else can I keep subscription statuses synced with my web application database?

Hey dear, While Klaviyo doesn't support direct unsubscribe webhooks, you can use their existing webhook capabilities to track other related events and infer unsubscribe actions.


Hi @sylvie  @dartacus  @1stevengrant  @ddsgad   @chris_dmkrs   @Yehudamy   @Forestylanq  @Aujla  @coder23  @infra  @Miles55  @AroraRoy  @ericbeljic  @Rodferrior - Sorry to tag you all but I thought you would like to know!

T​​​here is now an update available in Klaviyo that I think all of you would benefit from so I thought I would share that on this old thread.
Klaviyo now supports the following triggers:
•    Subscribed to Email Marketing
•    Unsubscribed from Email Marketing
•    Manually Suppressed from Email Marketing 

What this means is that you can create a webhook inside a flow to notify your own ERP/CDP etc. of the current status which will be a significant help in keeping your own database in sync. This is achieved through Webhook in Flow (more info in the linked article including limitations), and would look something like this:

Note - make sure you create flows for each of these triggers - for example, both unsubscribed & suppressed means the customer can’t be sent emails so you’ll want to implement both into your workflows.
Hopefully this is a welcome update in Klaviyo for all of you - let me know if you have any questions!

Kia Ora @DavidV 

Sorry if I’m being daft but I can’t see those options when selecting a flow trigger
I can see these options:

Is there a setting I need to change so that I can select Unsubscribe from Email Marketing as a flow trigger?
I’m planning to integrate with Klaviyo and I’d like to keep our database in sync with Klaviyo’s user susbcription status if possible 👍

Joe vB

Kia Ora @Joe vB,

No problem! It’s a bit of a funny trigger (have provided feedback on this to Klaviyo already).

The trigger “subscribed to email marketing” should live in the “Your Metrics” tab at the top.

If it’s not there, you’ll need to manually trigger the trigger (I have no better way of writing that HAHA) by manually subscribing and unsubscribing a customer to a list once. Once the trigger exists, it will show up.

I did a quick loom to show you how to add a list, add a test account, subscribe it, then the trigger will show: 

Hope that helps - let me know if you have any issues!

