Hi team! I am wanting to have 3 dynamic 5-star reviews flow through to an email flow from Okendo but I’m struggling to get the code right in the text block? I’ve already set up the link to Okendo reviews in my web feeds and named it OkendoReviews.
I’ve been following the below guide, https://help.klaviyo.com/hc/en-us/articles/115005258768#populating-feed-content-in-your-template6
My content repeat is set up as,
Repeat For:
Item Alias:
My code in the text box is,
{% with item=feeds.OkendoReviews %}
{ item.title }
{ item.body }
{ item.displayName }
{% endfor %}
{% endwith %}
Help! How do I get this to work? Thank you in advance!