i’ve got my review flow set-up, all as instructed—but when I test the flow and click on one of the stars, it sends me to an error page. The current (and default) link address for the stars is: {{ event.review_link }}?rating=3 (the 3 changes depending on the star.)
Is this a bug? How do I have these stars point people to my review submission page?
Can you paste the link/URL of the error page? Or copy/paste the source code section with the stars in your template?
One common issue I found is that the template code (those that are wrapped in brackets {{ }}) sometimes aren’t interpreted as code. Take a look and see if the URL you click on properly generates a link and does not show up in the URL as {{event.review_link}}?rating=3 - it should look something like:
(Where abcdefg12345 … are random characters that I replaced to obsfucate a real review link)
TheURL indeed does not properly generate a link, but as you say, instead shows up as {{event.review_link}}?rating=3
It sends me to this page when I click on the star: (see screengrab below):
The source code for the star reads:
<td class="" style="border:0;padding:0;width:122px;" valign="top">
<a class="kl-img-link" href="{{ event.review_link }}?rating=1" style="color:#0C76E0; font-weight:700; text-decoration:none; display:block">
<img alt="Rate it 1 star" src="https://d3k81ch9hvuctc.cloudfront.net/company/Xmq6uC/images/d2ccb135-9343-43ed-a9c6-2ad5a86d3da4.png" style="display:block;outline:none;text-decoration:none;height:auto;font-size:13px;width:100%;" title="Rate it 1 star" width="122"/>
Thoughts? Thanks!
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