
Integrating subscription portal signups with Klaviyo lists

  • 17 April 2024
  • 1 reply

Badge +3



We are set up a  subscription portal that offers various digital products. Meaning people signup to the portal and once signed up, they choose wether they make a purchase.

This is custom developed CMS and also Klaviyo integration is custom made. Now the registration form is also custom made and it captures following data:

Name and surname

Date of birth



Also - users toggle a button to select if they would like to recieve NL communication.


My question is how can we make sure that registered emails get passed into the Klaviyo list and also how can we make sure that only the ones that consent to email NL communication get passed to the particular list.

I would appreciate any concrete answers or at least links to additional documentation where I can read more on the general set up and approach. I am not a developer, but would like to know how this can be done conceptually, so I can pass this info to the dev team.


Have a great day! 


Best answer by Bobby 17 April 2024, 15:55

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1 reply

Userlevel 4
Badge +20

Hi @double d,

You can share with your developers that they’ll need to submit a POST request to the Subscribe Profiles endpoint when users indicate they’d like to receive marketing communications and submit the form.

The guide I linked to above should have all of the information they’ll need in terms of how to set it up!

