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Lost old orders in woocommerce integration

  • 21 December 2023
  • 3 replies

Hello! We have made an integration with woocommerce. There are more than 11 000 profiles in Klaviyo, but recently we saw that 2200 of them have never made orders. After a quick check in the online store it appears that these 2200 clients had made orders before September 2022, but the orders are not visible in Klaviyo. Segmentation is not accurate while we have this problem.. 

I will be thankfull if anyone can help us to solve this problem. 

3 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +36

Hi @Marina Valevska!

May I ask when you integrated with Klaviyo? Is this a recent integration, or an existing integration and you are only now noticing the discrepancy in order history?


There’s actually another Community thread discussing a similar issue here:


And another here:


I would recommend reading through those Community posts to get started diagnosing the issue.





Hi, @Brian Turcotte 


Thank you for your answer, i already checked the links you provided, but there is no answer for me. 

We made the integration a month ago, so i suppose the time for sincronization has passed and the problem is elsewhere. I just noticed the missed orders several days ago. 


Best regards,


Userlevel 7
Badge +36

Hi @Marina Valevska!

In that case, I would recommend reaching out to Support for this matter, as they will be able to troubleshoot with higher account-level access.



