I’m trying to add push notifications in a React Native app and following the guide in the React Native SDK for collecting push tokens (https://github.com/klaviyo/klaviyo-react-native-sdk?tab=readme-ov-file#collecting-push-tokens) along with the example app (https://github.com/klaviyo/klaviyo-react-native-sdk/blob/be289e22fbcf70e9e15942f874398064179e9b20/example/ios/KlaviyoReactNativeSdkExample/AppDelegate.mm). I’m trying to do the initialization and token collection steps from the React Native layer and I successfully sent a test push on Android. On iOS I already have a Firebase project configured but I’m confused about what I need to do in the AppDelegate based on the steps and the example app. My questions:
- Do the comments in the example app with step numbers (i.e. “iOS Installation Step 2”) refer to another setup guid I’m missing? or are they just in the example?
- Do I still need everything in the example app AppDelegate.mm other than the ‘useNativeImplementation’ parts and then add the code under React Native Token Collection? (https://github.com/klaviyo/klaviyo-react-native-sdk?tab=readme-ov-file#react-native-token-collection) My attempt at this has resulted in the warning from Klaviyo: “Your push token is not associated with a profile in Klaviyo”
I’ve read through the docs for the IOS native setup, firebase setup, React Native Firebase setup and my head is swirling. Any help appreciated!