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I’ve been attempting to setup an Abandoned Cart flow for a client who uses the WooCommerce Product Bundles plugin to allow customers to create custom ‘Pick & Mix’ products. 

The documentation in the Help Centre has you use the following code:

{{ organization.url }}cart?wck_rebuild_cart={{ event.extra.CartRebuildKey }}


However, when it generates the cart it attempts to add the pick & mix sweets as their own individual products instead of childs of the main product. As a result, an error is shown as WooCommerce thinks 0 selections have been made and therefore won’t let the customer checkout. 


As you can see in image above, each individual sweet has been added as it’s own product with a price and subtotal, and not as a child of the main ‘Custom Pick and Mix’ at the top.

In comparison, the image below shows a correct bundle:


Is this an error that I’ve done by not using the incorrect basket rebuild URL, or is this a limitation of Klaviyo?

Many thanks,


Hi @Pixeljack, welcome to the community.

I’m hoping there will be more WooCommerce folks here to better answer this.  But from my limited understanding, there’s a lot of plugins/extensions in WooCommerce/Wordpress that manipulates the checkouts in their own “special” way since you can literally do just about anything in Wordpress.  The cool thing is you can do anything!  The bad thing is, not every other plugin or apps is going to know what its doing or support it natively.

I think this is one of those situations where the parent/child or relationship between them (in a bundle) is a custom or proprietary “database join table” that they’ve created that is unique to the plugin - so Klaviyo’s cart rebuilding feature isn’t going to know how to interface that accordingly.

I’m hope I’m wrong and there’s an easy solution, but let us know if you find an answer or a way to solve it here!


Joseph Hsieh // // twitter: @retenion 

Hi @Pixeljack, welcome to the community.

I’m hoping there will be more WooCommerce folks here to better answer this.  But from my limited understanding, there’s a lot of plugins/extensions in WooCommerce/Wordpress that manipulates the checkouts in their own “special” way since you can literally do just about anything in Wordpress.  The cool thing is you can do anything!  The bad thing is, not every other plugin or apps is going to know what its doing or support it natively.

I think this is one of those situations where the parent/child or relationship between them (in a bundle) is a custom or proprietary “database join table” that they’ve created that is unique to the plugin - so Klaviyo’s cart rebuilding feature isn’t going to know how to interface that accordingly.

I’m hope I’m wrong and there’s an easy solution, but let us know if you find an answer or a way to solve it here!


Joseph Hsieh // // twitter: @retenion 

Hi Joseph,

Thanks for your reply. I suspected this was likely the case. I had hoped since the Bundle Products plugin is one developed by WooCommerce themselves that there was a slightly higher chance that things may integrate with Klaviyo more smoothly. 

Unless somebody has experienced this already and come up with a solution, for now I suspect I’ll just do a blanked direct to the site and hope that some customers start their checkout again. 
