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Hi All,


I have an email sign up field at the bottom of my website. This is the only field that is exclusively email sign ups. I want to send these subscribers a welcome email, but I can’t find the associated $source in Klaviyo that matches Shopify. How can I segment people who signed up via that email field?



Hello @cbzhu You can add a hidden custom property in this form and then use the hidden property to filter out the email signed up via this form

Thank you. I have the ID for the email sign up input, but I don’t see it as an option under $source. Is the ID different than the custom property?

@cbzhu Jumping in here to ask a clarifying question; is there a reason you need the source? Why not set up a Welcome series flow for the list? 

I do have a welcome series flow, but the flow gets triggered when someone fills out the pop up as well or enters their email via checkout etc..., which is not what I want. I want to keep different welcome flows depending on where they inputted their email (checkout, pop up, email newsletter).

@cbzhu I gotcha! Is the form you’re referencing a Klaviyo form, or a Shopify form?  

@kalia.lawrence - it is a Shopify form. Thanks for your insight in advance!

@cbzhu I gotcha! Okay, in this case I’d recommend using a Klaviyo form instead. This way you can add a hidden property you can easily segment with the way @Maxbuzz suggested above. Unfortunately that’s not possible with Shopify forms. The $source value for Shopify sign ups is automatically assigned as -50 and includes subscribed at checkout data as well. 

Oh ok, thanks @kaila.lawrence. I’m assuming -5 and -6 from the below list wouldn’t help either then? Do you mind clarifying how the below are different?



@cbzhu Correct! -5 is from your list’s subscribe page, and -6 is from a manual CSV upload or unsuppressing a profile that was previously subscribed. 

Okay thank you!
