Hi @Vincenzo Cassese,
Thanks so much for sharing your idea and exploring the Community for some solutions.
While we do not currently have the ability to aggregate user actions in a flow into specific scores, I am happy to file a feature request for this. It would be helpful if you could elaborate on what you want this score to be based on exactly.
Additionally, as @retention correctly pointed out, we can segment off of any of these discrete engagement activities i.e. opened or clicked a specific email (even within X amount of days or weeks). These types of segments that layer engagement activity are strong indicators of a user’s true engagement with your brand overall. Though we don’t assign a specific number to them, we empower the user to segment on these metrics and send to these engaged audiences. Discretely grouping together engagement metrics, like opens, clicks and orders are a tool our customers use to granularly target individuals based on their behavior i.e. sending to an engaged segment or for reporting purposes.
Looking forward to hearing from you.