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Hi Community,

I have a question regarding functionality of audience breakdown for campaigns. If I add segments based on customer engagement to check which segment perform the best in regards of CTR for example, the difference of clicks is very small.

That makes me wonder if someone is in 180 days engaged segment and click on email afterwards this profile will be shown here under all 5 segments as it part of each of them. 

So if 30 days engaged has lower count of clicks that means this breakdown show profile based on their snapshot on the send out time right? Because if there were differently each click should be counted for the strictest segment so 30 days engaged.  



Hi @Dov,

Thanks now everything is clear thank you!


Hi @Jakub,

Thanks for your reply.

Let me clarify what I mean by “once per segment” using an example. This means if user A qualifies for 30,60,90 day engaged segments, their click would be counted for all 3 of the 30,60, and 90 days analytics. So one click in segment A, one click in segment B and one click in segment C. So they’re not counted once across all of these segments (if they qualify for more than one segment), they’re counted once per segment. I think this piece of information may help address your first question (given the way the reporting works) - we won’t display “margins” i.e. this segment had 1 or 2 or 3 more clicks than the previous, the reporting numbers are all aggregates.

And thanks for clarifying what you mean by snapshot. Yes, the report will be a snapshot from the segment as it was when the campaign was sent.

I hope that’s helpful.

Hi @Dov,

This still doesn't answer my question. To designate what are the value of sending to broader audience I need to know how the clicks are assign to segment. For example based on my screenshot

30d engaged - 20 clicks

60d engaged - 1 click (on top 30d engaged)

180d engaged - 3 clicks (on top of 30d engaged) 

with that I know that in average if I will send to 60d instead 30d I would gather one additional click per campaign.


Also in you answer you mention that profile metrics will be counted once per segment and after that you give example that profile from 180 days will be also included in all other metrics? Isn't that contradictory?

By snapshot I mean if customers change segments over time do we see them in the report as they were in the time of send out? 

Hi @Jakub,

Thanks for sharing this question with us.

If a profile is part of more than one segment in a campaign send, their metrics will be counted once per segment. That means a profile who is included in the 180 days engaged will be included in each segment’s data (because the 180 days engaged will include users who are also 30,60,90,120 days engaged). For more information on this, here is our guide on Understanding available campaign analytics.

Also, this report is not a snapshot, but rather will continuously track users’ activities as they take place. So if someone else from the 30-days engaged were to click tomorrow, that would be reflected in the click count for that segment.

I hope that’s helpful.
