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Best Practice: How many lists?

  • 24 February 2022
  • 3 replies

Just starting out and want to do this cleanly…

How many  Lists should I have?

One Youtuber suggested a list for Signup Forms, Newsletter and Checkout.

Another article suggested just having one main Master list into which everything flows. 


I like the idea of keeping it simple - one list.

But does that cause trouble later? 

Like, if everybody is dumping into a Master list, how do I identify who came in from a Signup Form, and who came from a Checkout experience, etc? 


What is best practice for a good, efficient workflow as things get more complex?

Personally, I like to live by a Main List and then creating segments for those audiences you mentioned. The only time I end up with multiple lists is if I have two very clear and separate (never emailed together) lists, which is rare. 

In your segments, you can filter for different sign-up sources and forms.


Hey @matt.steinruck 

Thank you for coming to the Klaviyo Community for help!

@Spark Bridge Digital LLC is 100% on the money! Klaviyo suggest keeping one main list and segmenting off of that list like what was suggested!

Ah, nice, thanks guys. 

it’s slowly dawning on me that I need to become super familiar with the million ways you can dial in options and variables (and, NOT understanding all those variables is the major limiter in using this software.) All of the “ifs” and options are a bit overwhelming… I’ll keep digging in to them. 


Very glad to hear that I can keep the list simple and singular and can extract the rest from there!
