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Hi -


Currently, I am downloading certain fields (properties) from a segment as csv. Is there an API that I can use to retreive the same fields and download them as csv file without doing it manually? 


Current manual proccess to export:


Hi @katnissJW,


Thanks for sharing your question with us! 


Yes there is a way to do this that’s not manual, however, it does take some setting up. You would need to use the Membership endpoint, explained in our dev portal documentation, and shown below. However, you would need to follow our additional documentation , explaining how to export the profile data to a 3rd party data warehouse to get download the profile information, like properties, that you’re looking for.

GET{LIST_ID or SEGMENT_ID}/members/all


Finally, it seems like someone asked a similar question in the Community as well, I’d check this convo out for additional insight. 


Thanks for participating in the Community!

