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Custom personalizations not working anymore

  • 15 July 2024
  • 2 replies

Hi everyone,

I've been working hard over the past few weeks and months on some complex personalizations for my emails, and I was really happy with the results. However, since Friday, these personalizations have suddenly stopped working. Existing blocks with these personalizations still function correctly, but the moment I update any block, they cease to work.

Klaviyo Customer Support insists that nothing has changed on their end, but it seems unlikely right? I mean, I see them still working in existing content...

Has anyone else experienced a similar issue? Any insights or solutions would be greatly appreciated! Unfortunately, I can’t share the personalization statement in public.  


Hi @SimonVanCauwenberghe! I’m not aware of anything that would have affected this. It’s hard to advise without knowing more details about exactly what’s not working, but if you’re already in touch with Support, they should be able to help you troubleshoot further. 

Hi @kaila.lawrence 

There was a bug where the greater than symbols were being converted into HTML.

The Klaviyo team fixed it now! 
