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Hey guys,


I recently installed the app and I am loving it! Just had a couple of setup questions that I need some assistance with if possible,

I believe that I have successfully integrated Klaviyo with Shopify and have created a Subscriber List on Klaviyo which auto populates as soon as a customer subcribes via the Klaviyo created popup form or the standard Shopify footer subscription function.

I am just experiencing some issues with regards to the below:


  1. I would like to know how I can arrange for any manually added customer profiles on my Shopify Customer List to be automatically added to my Klaviyo list. As I mentioned above, the sign up form submissions are working fine, but not any manually added profiles.
  2. How can I enable for the customer tags that I assign to Customers on Shopify to transfer onto the Tags I create on Klaviyo? Is there an automated way to integrate these?
  3. I would like to know how I can go about Klaviyo automatically adding customers to Lists/Segments such as VIP Customers and New Subscribers? Is this automated?


Apologies in advance for the newb questions. I appreciate any assistance :)

Hey @Deejayy,


Glad to hear that you’re enjoying the platform so far!


There are a few ways profiles can be added to Klaviyo:

  • The Shopify to Klaviyo integration will sync anyone who abandoned checkout or places an order through your Shopify store to your Klaviyo accounts as an active profiles. In order to organize those contacts, you can create segments of “anyone who checkout started” or anyone who placed an order.” Also, there is a setting within the Shopify integration that allows you to route any contacts that accept marketing at checkout to a list in Klaviyo.
  • You have the option to manually export contacts to a csv file and then manually import them into a list in Klaviyo.
  • If you have access to a developer, you can work with them to automatically sync contacts to a list using our list api endpoints.

How to Manage Shopify Tags in Klaviyo:

VIP/New Subscriber Segments:


Hope this helps!


Hi Julie,

Thank you kindly for your reply!


Just on your first point - I am still having trouble with the contacts being added automatically to my main subscriber list after opting for email marketing via the checkout. The customer gets successfully added to the Customer tab in Shopify, but then won't integrate over to my linked Klaviyo subscriber list. The contact does however appear in the Klaviyo Profiles tab.


I have also ensured that the below are selected:



Would you by any chance know where I may be going wrong?



As I mentioned in my first post, the contact successfully lands in my Klaviyo Segment List after submitting their email via my Flyout form or the Website Footer form. The issue just lies with when they are checking out

Hi @Deejayy 


Is it possible double opt-in is turned on for this list? If that’s the case, if someone does not confirm their subscription they would not be added to the list until they do. You could also try kicking off another historical sync for your ecommerce integration in the integration settings to attempt to move all historical customers who opted in on to that list. If you’re still having trouble after reviewing both of these let me know!


Hope this helps,


Thanks ladies. I’ve now sorted this out. Much appreciated for the assistance :)

Hi All,

I am also experiencing the same issue with customers showing as being in my Shopify customers list and also my Klaviyo profile area however not being added to the newsletter list.

My “Collect email subscribers” is turned on and meant to be sending the subscribers to the newsletter list, however new subscriber are not being added to my ‘newsletter list’ and only have customer profiles created even though they have ticked to receive marketing updates.

My new subscriber flow also does not not seem to be triggering to this newsletter list either.

Any help is appreciated!

Hello @eliseverity,

I would first recommend checking to see if double opt-in is enabled on your list. If double opt-in is enabled, contacts who subscribe but do not confirm their subscription via the double opt-in confirmation email sent to them would still have a profile created for them within Klaviyo; but would not be added to the list. Only contacts who confirm their subscription via the double opt-in email would be added to the list to trigger any relevant flows associated with the list. 

I would also recommend double checking on the signup source you are using. If subscribers are signing up from a third party signup form connected to your site or a signup form provided to you through your Shopify theme, some additional codes and adjustments must be made to link these forms to a Klaviyo list. If the form is from a third party, I would recommend setting up a redirect for this form as instructed in the How to Redirect Existing Signup Forms to Klaviyo article. In the event this was a Shopify provided signup form, you would need to include a hidden input group tag of <input type="hidden" name="contactntags]" value="newsletter"> as explained in the Sync Your Shopify Newsletter Subscribers to a Klaviyo List subsection of the How to Integrate with Shopify article. Similarly, if this was a password protected “coming soon” page from Shopify, you’ll need to apply <input type="hidden" name="contactdtags]" value="prospect, password page, newsletter">​ as the hidden input group tag. @shoshana.antunes has a great Community Post on how to update the hidden input group tag for a password protected “coming soon” page below:

It may also be helpful to take a look at some similar Community posts that other members have brought up and see if the solution within them can assist you in your case. If they do, please share with us which ones helped you in case other members may be following along.

Hope this helps!

David  This was super helpful! Thank you.

After adding the coding into 2 sections of the website it seems to be working!
