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Deleting suppressed profiles, profiles still counting against me

  • 14 January 2022
  • 3 replies

I didn’t do my homework and have been deleting suppressed profiles mistakenly thinking those were individuals that didn’t want to receive my emails so why keep them on my list. However, even deleted, those profiles are still counting against me as active profiles and being billed for a lot more profiles than I actually have. How can I permanently delete these now non-existent profiles so my account and stats track against my true number of active profiles? Thank you! 

3 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +58

Hi there @kjb23,

Welcome to the Community! Hope to provide you with some info regarding suppressed profiles. 

Klaviyo's pricing tiers are based on the total number of active profiles in your account. An active profile is any profile that isn't suppressed. Klaviyo does not charge for suppressed profiles. If you navigate to your Account Overview, you will only see active profiles referenced in terms of counting against your plan limit. 

For more information on this, please see About Suppressed Profiles in Klaviyo.


Hope this helped!


I don’t think this is correct. I have supressed a quantity of profiles, and it shows that I am still being billed for them!


Userlevel 7
Badge +60

Hey @gslo-1,

Despite suppressing profiles, have you downgraded your plan at all? 

As mentioned in our Understanding how Klaviyo billing works Help Center article under the Downgrade your plan subsection:

You can downgrade at any time, but it will take effect as of your next billing cycle. You will finish out your current month's plan before your plan changes. Thus, we do not refund downgrades, as stated in our Terms of Service

Note that Klaviyo cannot auto-downgrade your plan; if you want to downgrade, you must do so manually. 


