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This year for Christmas, I want to do an advent calendar where subscribers will receive an e-mail every day of December about that day’s prize that can be won.

Ideally, I’d like for it to be possible for subscribers to opt out of this advent calendar, but still be subscribed to the “regular” e-mail marketing. I’m thinking the way to do it is to first have an advent calendar segment or list, but I am unsure of how I could make it possible for the subscribers themselves to remove/exclude themselves from that list without unsubscribing completely.

Any suggestions?

Welcome to the community @lefmathilde 

Great question. The way I do this is so contacts can ‘opt-out’ of a sequence of campaign emails without unsubscribing from all emails is to create a button in the email e.g “Dont send me prize draw updates”. This links to a confirmation page that acknolwedges they won’t receive any more emails about your advent promo.

Then create a segment that includes contacts who have clicked that specific url. Use that segment as an exclusion to the each campaign you send.

There are other ways you could do this (custom property update, preferences) but I like this approach because  a) they get a specific “opt-out” acknowledgement with 1-click and b) it drives them to the website...

Hope that helps




Hi @lefmathilde 

I love this idea and I think its smart to give your subscribers the opportunity to receive or opt-out of the December emails, especially if you will be sending one a day. 

@bluesnapper snapper mentioned this above in his recommendation, but here is a link to an alternative approach that creates a custom/updates profile property when a link/button is clicked in an email.

In both cases, you can redirect to a specific page that acknowledges if someone has opted out. I personally use this method, while a little more intricate in setup, because it saves a profile property value to the contact that could be leveraged again. 

For example. If you decide to run the same campaign series next year, you’d have a list of contacts who opted out. Maybe, you’d want to give them a chance to opt-in for the next year by sending them an email ahead of time to promote the campaign, the opportunities to win, etc. 

Again, I think both options will work well for your needs, but I wanted to share the guide for using a custom profile property in addition to a URL click.

Good luck! Let us know if you have any other questions.

@In the Inbox 
