
Email Confirmation Not Sending / Profiles Not Added to Newsletter List

  • 20 February 2021
  • 2 replies

Badge +2

I’ve been working all day to setup my new Klaviyo account. I’ve been working through the Shopify & Klaviyo Onboarding checklist. I’ve completed the steps for Shopify integration (verified the JS scripts for site and product tracking are in place). I’ve browsed my site with a profile and see metrics. I’ve created an embedded subscription form that’s pointed to my Newsletter list. However, when I test email signups, these subscribers are automatically added as consented profiles and I never first receive the email confirmation to opt-in. Further, these profiles are not added to the Newsletter list.

I have configured a custom sending domain and validated emails can be sent by sending previews of some of the email templates.

I’ve checked my Newsletter list settings and I have double opt-in turned on. Can someone please look at my account and help me resolve this?


Best answer by cassy.lee 24 February 2021, 23:47

View original

2 replies

Userlevel 5
Badge +8

Hi @GadgeTekk,

Can you clarify how you have been testing email signups? Additionally, can you provide more information about how you’ve determined that subscribers are being added as consented profiles?



Userlevel 6
Badge +9

Echoing here - it might be helpful to include some additional context so that other members in the Community forum might be able to chime in with their experiences (but be sure not to share any personal/Account ID details!).

There might be a few various reasons why the email confirmation is not sending. Some additional questions to consider: 

  • is this email landing in other inboxes?
  • do you know if the email was perhaps caught in a filter?

There was an FAQ that was added in the Community here that might provide a little more clarity on some of the reasons why Double Opt-In emails weren’t going to the right place: 

It’s also possible that these profiles were created within your account, but were not added to any lists, so they wouldn’t be considered as consented yet.

