Currently I am sending most of my campaigns to my whole list. Generally performance (open and click rate) is fine but I am looking to divide my list in an engaged segment and a reignite segment. This way the engaged segment should bring more or less the same absolute performance as the whole list (relative performance will be a lot higher). And the reignite segment has the objective to bring people back to the engaged segment or else these people will go to the suppressed list.
My question is, is there a function in Klaviyo to find the best variables and timeframe to segment my engaged list on. So can you run some kind of regression to find dependent variables that have a significant impact on for example opens.
I would think that with all available data you could find that for example: ‘x opens in the last y days’ and ‘x times active on website in the last y days’ has the biggest chance that a user will open the next email.
Thank in advance!