We followed this link to check for the valid phone number formats : https://help.klaviyo.com/hc/en-us/articles/360046055671-Accepted-Phone-Number-Formats-for-SMS-in-Klaviyo
While updating the profiles from the Update list api ( URL: {{baseUrl}}/v2/list/:list_id/members)
But few of the formats aren’t working correctly. PFB the respective request body.
Working correctly for below Request Body:
"profiles": [{ "country":"USA","phone_number":"+12345678900" }]
Not working for below:
"profiles": [{ "country":"USA","phone_number":"2345678900" }]
"profiles": [{ "country":"US","phone_number":"2345678900" }]
Error Response:
"detail": "+2345678900 is not a valid phone number."