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Hi All - I would like to create a segment that gathers anyone who submitted their email through our embed form “wellness guide - natural energy”. How can I create this segment? I would like to add people to it even if we already have their email. Basically, anyone who fills out this email form will receive an email from us that contains a guide they wanted to access to (which is why they submitted their email).

I don’t think we can use $source because if we already have their email, their $source may not be the ‘wellness guide - natural energy’ embed form. Looking for other ideas.  

Thank you!



Hello @cbzhu  You can use the source field from Profile properties to segment users coming from a form.


Hi @Maxbuzz, thanks for the suggestion.


however, if someone already in our email list submits their email into the embed form, will the $source filter still work? We’d like to capture anyone who submits their email into the embed form (regardless of if they’re already in the email list) so it can trigger a specific email flow to them upon email submission. Since this form is being used to unlock a PDF guide that will be sent via email, we want to capture all emails.

Hello @cbzhu  For these kind of use-cases Ideally, I would create a new list and won’t use existing lists like Newsletter.

Also, It is a best practice to add some kind of identifier (could be hidden fields) to track back to the original submission

To clarify, you’re saying I cannot add existing profiles to this new list that is attached to the embed form? 

what if someone who is an existing profile in our klaviyo submits their email into the embed form? How do we account for them and send them specific emails since they submitted themselves into that embed form?


Do you mind providing guidance on how to link a new list to an existing embed form? Thank you

Hello @cbzhu  I  never tried switching and list of an existing form. It looks like is not possible.

The only way for you is to create a new form.

Hi @cbzhu 

Yes, you can create the segment you want, even if a contact is already in your list,

When a new contact (not in your list) subscribes to email via a Klaviyo form, four events are tracked:  Subscribed to tlist name], Subscribed to Email Marketing, Form submitted by profile, and Form completed by profile i.e they completed all data fields including any optional ones.*

Now to your use case, You create your segment as below. Just replace the  form_id with the id of your form. Even if a contact is already in your form’s target list, events will be created for ‘Form submitted by profile’ and ‘Form completed by profile’ (if all data fields are completed).

You can create a flow triggering from these metrics with a trigger filter for the form id (Also below).

Also it is possible to switch the list that a form submits to. Select ‘Button click action’ while editing the form, and change the ‘list to submit’.

Hope that helps


​​​​​​​*I think the form submitted/completed events were a recent Klaviyo enhancement (past 6-months?) so it’s possible your segment won’t capture all contacts if the form was live before that. 


form submitted segment


form submitted flow


@bluesnapper super helpful, thank you

No problem @cbzhu Pleased I could help.


