
How do I set up segments so that I have one list, multiple offers that a subscriber would want them all?

  • 19 November 2021
  • 1 reply

Badge +3

There are multiple forms to be added to my only list. From there, I want everyone to go through the nurture flow once but depending on the action of the subscriber, they will receive a different welcome flow.

I've contacted support about how to set it up and was given instructions about how to use 'source' as a property and depending on the source filter, a subscriber will receive a different flow.

That is working BUT now there is a problem because it is highly likely that a subscriber will want to have all of the initial offers that I use to build my list. 

For example:
1. PDF download
2. Unique product #1 (or #2, #3, etc)
3. Clearance Sales
4. Birthday Club
5. General Interest

How do I set up segments so that I have one list, multiple offers that a subscriber would want them all?


Best answer by alex.hong 20 November 2021, 00:32

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1 reply

Userlevel 7
Badge +58

Hi there @AndreaYork_FlagMaker!

Firstly, welcome to the Community. I hope you find everything you need as you navigate the pages.

I’m curious on a few parts and would love to ask some clarifying questions before offering some info.

I want everyone to go through the nurture flow once but depending on the action of the subscriber, they will receive a different welcome flow.

Q: What action of the subscriber dictates a different flow? How are you logging these differences and what is the difference in welcome flow?

it is highly likely that a subscriber will want to have all of the initial offers that I use to build my list

Q: What are the initial offers and how does a subscriber know of the different offers so that they would want them?

one list, multiple offers that a subscriber would want them all?

Q: Could you clarify what you mean by a one list, different segments, and multiple offers that a subscriber would want them all?


I think those are the points I am having some trouble understanding fully and would love to hear your thoughts on them.


Thank you!
