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I created a second list that I want people to opt into and need to make a URL opt-in (Not a pop-up). I cannot figure out how to get URL from this name and email capture form I just made. I want to post it on Facebook and make a QR code that builds a list for a brand new product line we are carrying. 

Can I email JUST these new subscribers? There may be overlap audience members on both lists. (Two entirely different product/interest/hobbies folks). Single Opt-in - I figured that part out. 

Hi @SelenaKS 

Thank you for your post in the Klaviyo Community!

What Signup form type have you used?

Depending on how you would like this presented, an Embed on your website maybe best. 

Here is a link to a Klaviyo page that explains the differences:

Regarding emailing these subscribers, yes. If they have opted in to the Marketing and you have them segmented by the List, you’ll be able to target them separately.

I hope this helps.

