Making it clearer that consent changes unsubscribe settings

  • 6 January 2023
  • 1 reply

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I wanted to give some feedback as a relatively recent user of Klaviyo who generally imports via CSV files, that in the blue Consent and Email Marketing box, it would be helpful to make clear that pressing the Subscribe to Email Marketing button will override the Unsubscribe setting for patrons that exist in the system. In other email systems I’ve used, the unsubscribe setting for the recipient has to be manually switched in the patron details screen before receiving emails again. In the current Klaviyo flow, users could be inadvertently sending to patrons who have already unsubscribed. I had to go to the documentation to confirm that this was the case:




1 reply

Userlevel 7
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Hello @Gabe00 ,

Welcome to the Community and thanks for sharing your thoughts.

Thanks for your feedback that we could be more clear in our call out in blue about it. But, customers and businesses shouldn’t be uploading lists that don’t 100% have explicit consent. Plus, we do call out that using that option will lift unsubscribe/suppression marker in the How to add subscribers to an existing list Help Center article.

