First off, it’s hard to get an account started here, if you’re developer for a company that does not want you to use the main account (which I can totally understand, honestly).
Ok so I need to add email / firstname / lastname / phone / country to a list automatically when the user stated to opt in to newsletter / ads per mail/phone in a thírd party shop.
I keep getting stuck in the API documentation and clues that I find on the internet simply don’t seem to work.
I search for existing profiles:
Response: {"detail":"There is no profile matching the given parameters"}
None found, I’d need to make one most likely. (how?)
My best bet: send it straight forward to the list api / members api / …
Response: {"detail":"profiles is a required parameter."}
Note: It’s absolutely set, I even get that message when I POST the ORIGINAL example data.
This is kinda mudfart as it ruins my entire weekend with the kids.
Please help me, thanks!!!