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I have synched my Shopify Customers to Klaviyo (1489 profiles).

Of these customers >1200 have accepted marketing on SHOPIFY.


On Klaviyo, all 1489 are showing in the Audience/Profiles. However, only 133 are showing in my NEWSLETTER list - these appear to be the people who have signed up to my newsletter AFTER i installed Klaviyo only.


I have the Synch settings of data from Shopify set up as per the help I have read in this community, pointing to my Newsletter.  See below.  




Any idea how I can get them inline?






Hi @FootballFinery , 

Welcome to the Klaviyo Community, and thank you for your question! 

It does appear that you have the Shopify subscribers syncing properly to your “Newsletter” list. Are NEW subscribers being added to the “Newsletter” list in Klaviyo after accepting marketing on Shopify? If so, then the sync should be functioning properly. 


To add your remaining 1200 Shopify subscribers to the “Newsletter” list, you can subscribe them manually by uploading a CSV file. Here is a Klaviyo Help Center article with detailed instructions: 

How to add subscribers to an existing list


Please let us know how it goes, and reach out if you have additional questions! 

Hi Adam


Thanks v much for your feedback.  


I was just about to run the import process to add my Shopify subscribers (circa 1200) to my NEWSLETTER list in Klaviyo. But, I just wanted to double check…..


These subscribers (1200) are already synched in Klaviyo and are showing in my Klaviyo profiles - they are just not showing in my NEWLETTER list.  Currently only 130 latest subscribers.  I am happy to run the import but just being 100% sure I wont duplicate the profiles or cause any issues?  








And just to add a bit more info on this…..


It appears that my Shopify ‘Marketing Subscribers’ e.g. 


Are synched to my PROFILES in Klaviyo with the custom property = ACCEPTS MARKETING ‘TRUE’ but shows as EMAIL never subscribed. 


Instead of showing as per below in Klaviyo as per the newest and correctly subscriber eg.

Just need a way to update all PROFILES in Klaviyo that have the Accepts Marketing custom property = TRUE to also have EMAIL -= SUBSCRIBED

THANKS again, Chris


Good news….


I have figured out how to resolve this.


  • I created a segment from my PROFILES where custom attribute ‘Accepts Marketing’ = YES but where the customer was NOT IN the list ‘Newsletter’.  This gave me my missing subscribers.


  • I then converted this segment to a list and then merged my new list into the Newsletter list.


  • I then ran a CSV import process using their email addresses and set the following Klaviyo column properties:  Email Marking = SUBSCRIBED and Consent = B“email”]


This has updated the existing profiles so they are correctly reflected in the Newsletter list are are correctly showing as SUBSRIBED to email and no duplicate profiles have appeared.  


If you see any issues with this process, let me know. 


Thanks for your help :)


